Contrasting effects of aerosols on surface temperature over the Indo-Gangetic Plain and Tibetan Plateau


Atmospheric aerosols partly compensate for the warming due to greenhouse gases by perturbing the radiation balance of the Earth–Atmosphere system. In this study, the impacts of aerosols on surface temperature are examined over the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) and Himalayan Tibetan Plateau (HTP), where diverse aerosol and climatic conditions prevail. Both regions have significant impacts on the regional climate and hydrological cycles in South Asia. The IGP experiences high aerosol loading throughout the year and is expected to affect surface temperature significantly. In contrast, the HTP exhibits relatively pristine or lower aerosol loading, whose effects on surface temperature are highly uncertain due to snow albedo feedback. Climate model simulations are used to decompose the surface temperature changes due to aerosol forcing to its radiative and non-radiative components over the IGP and HTP. The shortwave cooling due to aerosols is mostly compensated by the decrease in sensible heat over the IGP. On the other hand, HTP experiences surface cooling due to the direct effects and surface warming due to aerosol-induced snow-darkening effects (deposition of absorbing aerosols on snow). The net effect of aerosols on shortwave radiation is further redistributed into non-radiative heat fluxes. This study provides a better understanding of aerosol-induced surface temperature change and its partitioning into radiative and non-radiative components.

Towards practical artificial intelligence in Earth sciences


Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects are common and desired by many institutions and research teams, there are still relatively few success stories of AI in practical use for the Earth science community. Many AI practitioners in Earth science are trapped in the prototyping stage and their results have not yet been adopted by users. Many scientists are still hesitating to use AI in their research routine. This paper aims to capture the landscape of AI-powered geospatial data sciences by discussing the current and upcoming needs of the Earth and environmental community, such as what practical AI should look like, how to realize practical AI based on the current technical and data restrictions, and the expected outcome of AI projects and their long-term benefits and problems. This paper also discusses unavoidable changes in the near future concerning AI, such as the fast evolution of AI foundation models and AI laws, and how the Earth and environmental community should adapt to these changes. This paper provides an important reference to the geospatial data science community to adjust their research road maps, find best practices, boost the FAIRness (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) aspects of AI research, and reasonably allocate human and computational resources to increase the practicality and efficiency of Earth AI research.

Towards practical artificial intelligence in Earth sciences


Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects are common and desired by many institutions and research teams, there are still relatively few success stories of AI in practical use for the Earth science community. Many AI practitioners in Earth science are trapped in the prototyping stage and their results have not yet been adopted by users. Many scientists are still hesitating to use AI in their research routine. This paper aims to capture the landscape of AI-powered geospatial data sciences by discussing the current and upcoming needs of the Earth and environmental community, such as what practical AI should look like, how to realize practical AI based on the current technical and data restrictions, and the expected outcome of AI projects and their long-term benefits and problems. This paper also discusses unavoidable changes in the near future concerning AI, such as the fast evolution of AI foundation models and AI laws, and how the Earth and environmental community should adapt to these changes. This paper provides an important reference to the geospatial data science community to adjust their research road maps, find best practices, boost the FAIRness (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) aspects of AI research, and reasonably allocate human and computational resources to increase the practicality and efficiency of Earth AI research.

Association of precipitation extremes and crops production and projecting future extremes using machine learning approaches with CMIP6 data


Precipitation extremes have surged in frequency and duration in recent decades, significantly impacting various sectors, including agriculture, water resources, energy, and public health worldwide. Pakistan, being highly susceptible to climate change and extremes, has experienced adverse events in recent times, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive investigation into the relationship between precipitation extremes and crops production. This study focuses on assessing the association between precipitation extremes on crops production, with a particular emphasis on the Punjab province, a crucial region for the country’s food production. The initial phase of the study involved exploring the associations between precipitation extremes and crops production for the duration of 1980–2014. Notably, certain precipitation extremes, such as maximum CDDs (consecutive dry days), R99p (extreme precipitation events), PRCPTOT (precipitation total) and SDII (simple daily intensity index) exhibited strong correlations with the production of key crops like wheat, rice, garlic, dates, moong, and masoor. In the subsequent step, four machine learning (ML) algorithms were trained and tested using observed daily climate data (including maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation) alongside model reference data (1985–2014) as predictors. Gradient boosting machine (GBM) was selected for its superior performance and employed to project precipitation extremes for three distinct future periods (F1: 2025–2049, F2: 2050–2074, F3: 2075–2099) under the SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 derived from the CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6) archive. The projection results indicated an increasing and decreasing trend in CWDs (maximum consecutive wet days) and CDDs, respectively, at various meteorological stations. Furthermore, R10mm (the number of days with precipitation equal to or exceeding 10 mm) and R25mm displayed an overall increasing trend at most of the stations, though some exhibited a decreasing trend. These trends in precipitation extremes have potential consequences, including the risk of flash floods and damage to agriculture and infrastructure. However, the study emphasizes that with proper planning, adaptation measures, and mitigation strategies, the potential losses and damages can be significantly minimized in the future.

Association of precipitation extremes and crops production and projecting future extremes using machine learning approaches with CMIP6 data


Precipitation extremes have surged in frequency and duration in recent decades, significantly impacting various sectors, including agriculture, water resources, energy, and public health worldwide. Pakistan, being highly susceptible to climate change and extremes, has experienced adverse events in recent times, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive investigation into the relationship between precipitation extremes and crops production. This study focuses on assessing the association between precipitation extremes on crops production, with a particular emphasis on the Punjab province, a crucial region for the country’s food production. The initial phase of the study involved exploring the associations between precipitation extremes and crops production for the duration of 1980–2014. Notably, certain precipitation extremes, such as maximum CDDs (consecutive dry days), R99p (extreme precipitation events), PRCPTOT (precipitation total) and SDII (simple daily intensity index) exhibited strong correlations with the production of key crops like wheat, rice, garlic, dates, moong, and masoor. In the subsequent step, four machine learning (ML) algorithms were trained and tested using observed daily climate data (including maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation) alongside model reference data (1985–2014) as predictors. Gradient boosting machine (GBM) was selected for its superior performance and employed to project precipitation extremes for three distinct future periods (F1: 2025–2049, F2: 2050–2074, F3: 2075–2099) under the SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 derived from the CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6) archive. The projection results indicated an increasing and decreasing trend in CWDs (maximum consecutive wet days) and CDDs, respectively, at various meteorological stations. Furthermore, R10mm (the number of days with precipitation equal to or exceeding 10 mm) and R25mm displayed an overall increasing trend at most of the stations, though some exhibited a decreasing trend. These trends in precipitation extremes have potential consequences, including the risk of flash floods and damage to agriculture and infrastructure. However, the study emphasizes that with proper planning, adaptation measures, and mitigation strategies, the potential losses and damages can be significantly minimized in the future.

Toward robust pattern similarity metric for distributed model evaluation


SPAtial EFficiency (SPAEF) metric is one of the most thoroughly used metrics in hydrologic community. In this study, our aim is to improve SPAEF by replacing the histogram match component with other statistical indices, i.e. kurtosis and earth mover’s distance, or by adding a fourth or fifth component such as kurtosis and skewness. The existing spatial metrics i.e. SPAtial efficiency (SPAEF), structural similarity (SSIM) and spatial pattern efficiency metric (SPEM) were compared with newly proposed metrics to assess their converging performance. The mesoscale hydrologic model (mHM) of the Moselle River is used to simulate streamflow (Q) and actual evapotranspiration (AET). The two-source energy balance AET during the growing season is used as monthly reference maps to calculate the spatial performance of the model. The moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer based leaf area index is utilized by the mHM via pedo-transfer functions and multi-scale parameter regionalization approach to scale the potential ET. In addition to the real monthly AET maps, we also tested these metrics using a synthetic true AET map simulated with a known parameter set for a randomly selected day. The results demonstrate that the newly developed four-component metric i.e. SPAtial Hybrid 4 (SPAH4) slightly outperforms conventional three-component metric i.e. SPAEF (3% better). However, SPAH4 significantly outperforms the other existing metrics i.e. 40% better than SSIM and 50% better than SPEM. We believe that other fields such as remote sensing, change detection, function space optimization and image processing can also benefit from SPAH4.

Robust future projections of global spatial distribution of major tropical cyclones and sea level pressure gradients


Despite the profound societal impacts of intense tropical cyclones (TCs), prediction of future changes in their regional occurrence remains challenging owing to climate model limitations and to the infrequent occurrence of such TCs. Here we reveal projected changes in the frequency of major TC occurrence (i.e., maximum sustained wind speed: ≥ 50 m s−1) on the regional scale. Two independent high-resolution climate models projected similar changes in major TC occurrence. Their spatial patterns highlight an increase in the Central Pacific and a reduction in occurrence in the Southern Hemisphere—likely attributable to anthropogenic climate change. Furthermore, this study suggests that major TCs can modify large-scale sea-level pressure fields, potentially leading to the abrupt onset of strong wind speeds even when the storm centers are thousands of kilometers away. This study highlights the amplified risk of storm-related hazards, specifically in the Central Pacific, even when major TCs are far from the populated regions.

Assessing future changes in flood susceptibility under projections from the sixth coupled model intercomparison project: case study of Algiers City (Algeria)


This research investigates the changes in flash flood susceptibility in Algiers, Northern Algeria between current and future climatic conditions based on two Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSP2-4.5 and SSP3-7.0) from the CMIP6 dataset. Three machine-learning models, namely the Generalized Linear Model (GLM), Random Forest (RF) and Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), were employed to assess flash flood susceptibility by capturing the relationships between a set of predictive variables and historical flash flood events in the study area. The validity of the used models was assessed using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) model and its area under the curve (AUC). This yielded excellent performance for all models with a slight superiority to GBM (AUC = 96.4%) compared to RF (AUC = 96.1%) and GLM (AUC = 93.9%). With respct to the year 2018, SSP 2–4.5 revealed a future evolution of high to very high flash flood susceptibility of + 2.9% by the year 2040, + 1.6% by 2060 and + 5.1% by 2080. Under SSP3-7.0, the spatial coverage of high and very high susceptibility classes showed more significant increase of 3.6% by 2040, + 4.9% by 2060, and + 4.7% by 2080. Overall, this research provided insights into the changes in flash flood susceptibility between current and two future climate change scenarios. This can help decision makers and urban planners in Algiers in developing adequate strategies to improve resilience against future flash floods.

Spatiotemporal variability of streamflow under current and projected climate scenarios of Andit Tid watershed, central highland of Ethiopia


This study examined the impact of climate change on streamflow in the Andit Tid watershed using climate models of dynamically downscaled Ethiopia’s CORDEX. The Arc SWAT and ArcGIS 10.5 software assessed the spatial and temporal distribution of streamflow, incorporating geospatial data like land use maps, digital elevation models, soil maps, and climate data. The SWAT model was calibrated and validated using SWAT-CUP with the SUFI-2 algorithm. The Canadian Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis, Canada (CCCma (RCA4) model was selected for future projections after validation. From 1991 to 2021, the average streamflow rate was 0.0374 m3/s (247 mm), with R2 values of 0.83 for calibration and 0.72 for validation. Hotspots with active gullies and slopes over 20% were identified mainly in cultivated lands. Future projections indicated a comparable streamflow rate to current conditions at 0.0322 m3/s (212.6 mm). A decline in streamflow is projected: 7.2% and 30.2% decreases in the near and far future under RCP 4.5, and 32.3% decreases and 5% increases under RCP 8.5 scenarios. These variations were attributed to differences in catchment characteristics and climate variability. Further research is needed to validate these findings by incorporating additional biophysical variables. This study provides insights into hydrological planning and management in the Andit Tid watershed and similar regions facing climate variability.

Spatiotemporal variability of streamflow under current and projected climate scenarios of Andit Tid watershed, central highland of Ethiopia


This study examined the impact of climate change on streamflow in the Andit Tid watershed using climate models of dynamically downscaled Ethiopia’s CORDEX. The Arc SWAT and ArcGIS 10.5 software assessed the spatial and temporal distribution of streamflow, incorporating geospatial data like land use maps, digital elevation models, soil maps, and climate data. The SWAT model was calibrated and validated using SWAT-CUP with the SUFI-2 algorithm. The Canadian Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis, Canada (CCCma (RCA4) model was selected for future projections after validation. From 1991 to 2021, the average streamflow rate was 0.0374 m3/s (247 mm), with R2 values of 0.83 for calibration and 0.72 for validation. Hotspots with active gullies and slopes over 20% were identified mainly in cultivated lands. Future projections indicated a comparable streamflow rate to current conditions at 0.0322 m3/s (212.6 mm). A decline in streamflow is projected: 7.2% and 30.2% decreases in the near and far future under RCP 4.5, and 32.3% decreases and 5% increases under RCP 8.5 scenarios. These variations were attributed to differences in catchment characteristics and climate variability. Further research is needed to validate these findings by incorporating additional biophysical variables. This study provides insights into hydrological planning and management in the Andit Tid watershed and similar regions facing climate variability.