Ethical approaches in designing autonomous and intelligent systems: a comprehensive survey towards responsible development


Over the past decade, significant progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has spurred the adoption of its algorithms, addressing previously daunting challenges. Alongside these remarkable strides, there has been a simultaneous increase in model complexity and reliance on opaque AI models, lacking transparency. In numerous scenarios, the systems themselves may necessitate making decisions entailing ethical dimensions. Consequently, it has become imperative to devise solutions to integrate ethical considerations into AI system development practices, facilitating broader utilization of AI systems across various domains. Research endeavors should explore innovative approaches to enhance ethical principles in AI systems, fostering greater transparency, accountability, and trustworthiness. Upholding fundamental individual rights, human dignity, autonomy, privacy, equality, and fairness, while mitigating potential harm, remains paramount. Considering ethical values and ensuring compliance with ethical requirements throughout the development lifecycle of autonomous and intelligent systems nurture trust and reliability in their utilization. Ethical considerations should be ingrained within organizational procedures guiding AI research activities, establishing robust frameworks that address ethical concerns and reflect the ethical implications of AI-based systems. This paper presents an overview of ethical approaches and processes aimed at integrating ethical considerations into AI system development practices. It underscores the significance of ethical frameworks in fostering ethical AI implementation and ensuring the ethical integrity of AI technologies.

Institutional trust as a driver of product boycotts in Europe


Despite the significant growth in consumer boycotts, research has devoted insufficient attention to the institutional factors that may motivate consumers to engage in such behaviour. This article aims to address this research gap. The main objective is to analyse the factors that affect consumer boycotts from an institutional sustainability perspective, by focusing on a specific dimension of institutional sustainability: institutional trust. Information and data came from the 2023 round of the European Social Survey, a cross-national survey covering 25 Countries. The article applies a binomial univariable logit model to test the influence of institutional trust and other potential drivers on boycott decisions and a multivariable binomial logistic regression to explore possible interrelationship between independent variables. The results confirm that boycotts are affected by institutional trust and other factors including demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the consumers, consumers’ perception of ICT, satisfaction with public institutions, and consumers’ evaluation of personal well-being. This article contributes to political consumerism literature by focusing on the impact of institutional trust in boycotting behaviour. This relationship is underexplored in existing literature, since most literature researches consumer boycotts from a triple-bottom perspective and neglects the effects of the institutional dimension of sustainability in consumer behaviour. The article brings new insights into the motivations of consumers at the political and institutional levels and opens new directions for future research to explore institutional sustainability related to the good practices of governance.

Markets and Public Goods: Integrity, Trust, and Climate Change


Public goods are an anomaly in neoclassical economics, a form of ‘market failure’. They exist outside the efficient and equitable optimality of market exchange. It can be shown however that competitive markets are only efficient in short product cycles. Long-term objectives require social support. Corruption arises from the consequent private public interaction. Integrity, the absence of corruption, is a public good. Corruption has risen since the 1980s with privatization and outsourcing. How did European governments become honest in the first place? In the century after the 1770s, they moved from regarding public office as a form of private property to a conception of serving the public good. This integrity revolution was facilitated by Weberian bureaucracies, selected by academic merit and committed to impartiality by long-term incentives. The neoliberal revolution of the 1980s regarded bureaucracies as obstructive and slow. It admired the business corporation with its opaque procedures and charismatic leadership. Concurrently economics moved from neoclassical harmony theory to an asymmetric information model of ‘opportunism with guile’, providing doctrinal legitimacy for corruption. Corporate advertising is deliberately deceptive, and undermines the public good of trustworthiness. Digital platforms, powered by advertising, have subverted public discourse. Misinformation and disinformation have become prime risk factors for current societies. The practical operation of markets undermines the public goods of integrity and trustworthiness. The public good of a habitable climate cannot be achieved by market methods. For long-term payoffs, ‘free markets’ are a harmful delusion, inefficient, corrupt, impossible to achieve, and not sustainable.

Clinical and surgical physician’s perception of nutrition knowledge



Due to the significant increase in the prevalence of food-related diseases, the value that physicians place on nutritional advice may have implications for patient treatment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the perception of the importance of nutritional intervention among physicians in the Universidad San Francisco de Quito’s (USFQ) healthcare system.


This cross-sectional study employed a telephone survey administered to a subset of all medical doctors (MDs) working in the healthcare system clinics of USFQ between 2021 and 2022. Study participants were recruited through voluntary response sample from a complete list of 253 MD. The single time questionnaire consisted of a 22-item validated survey in which attitudes, self-perceived capacity, and knowledge about nutrition ofmedical doctors were evaluated. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, two-sided t test, bivariate associations and linear and logistic regressions.


136 MDs completed the survey yielding a response rate of 54%. Our analysis grouped participants into clinical (CE) and non-clinical specialties, hereafter referred to as surgical MDs. While a higher percentage of physicians in CE are confident in their ability to provide examples of recommended food portions based on national or international guidelines, 1 in 10 do not know how to use and interpret BMI or waist circumference, and around 1 in 3 do not know how many calories there are in one gram of fat, protein, or carbohydrates, and their basic metabolic functions. Almost all survey participants believe MDs can have an impact on the eating behavior of a patient if time is used to discuss the problem, however, almost half of survey participants believe nutrition counseling is not an effective use of time.


It is important to explore the perceptions and self-confidence of physicians around nutrition related issues. Our results demonstrated that nearly 1 in 4 surgical MDs do not feel capable of recognizing nutritional risk in patients, which highlights the essentiality of physicians having an updated understanding of basic nutrition principles. Future research should examine how commonly MDs refer patients to nutritionists/dietitians, as well as strategies for improving physician knowledge on basic nutrition concepts.

Clinical and surgical physician’s perception of nutrition knowledge



Due to the significant increase in the prevalence of food-related diseases, the value that physicians place on nutritional advice may have implications for patient treatment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the perception of the importance of nutritional intervention among physicians in the Universidad San Francisco de Quito’s (USFQ) healthcare system.


This cross-sectional study employed a telephone survey administered to a subset of all medical doctors (MDs) working in the healthcare system clinics of USFQ between 2021 and 2022. Study participants were recruited through voluntary response sample from a complete list of 253 MD. The single time questionnaire consisted of a 22-item validated survey in which attitudes, self-perceived capacity, and knowledge about nutrition ofmedical doctors were evaluated. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, two-sided t test, bivariate associations and linear and logistic regressions.


136 MDs completed the survey yielding a response rate of 54%. Our analysis grouped participants into clinical (CE) and non-clinical specialties, hereafter referred to as surgical MDs. While a higher percentage of physicians in CE are confident in their ability to provide examples of recommended food portions based on national or international guidelines, 1 in 10 do not know how to use and interpret BMI or waist circumference, and around 1 in 3 do not know how many calories there are in one gram of fat, protein, or carbohydrates, and their basic metabolic functions. Almost all survey participants believe MDs can have an impact on the eating behavior of a patient if time is used to discuss the problem, however, almost half of survey participants believe nutrition counseling is not an effective use of time.


It is important to explore the perceptions and self-confidence of physicians around nutrition related issues. Our results demonstrated that nearly 1 in 4 surgical MDs do not feel capable of recognizing nutritional risk in patients, which highlights the essentiality of physicians having an updated understanding of basic nutrition principles. Future research should examine how commonly MDs refer patients to nutritionists/dietitians, as well as strategies for improving physician knowledge on basic nutrition concepts.

The role of diet in cancer: the potential of shaping public policy and clinical outcomes in the UK


Cancer universally represents one of the largest public health concerns, substantially contributing to global disease burden and mortality. The multifaceted interplay of environmental and genetic factors in the disease aetiology and progression has required comprehensive research to elucidate modifiable elements which can reduce the risk of incidence and improve prognosis. Among these factors, diet and nutrition have emerged as the most fundamental with a significant potential for influence and effect. Nutrition is not only an essential part of human survival, but also a vital determinant of overall health. Certain dietary requirements are necessary to support normal physiology. This includes individualised levels of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) and specific micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Extensive research has demonstrated that diet plays a role in cancer pathogenesis at the genetic, epigenetic and cellular level. Therefore, its potential as a modifiable determinant of cancer pathogenesis for the purpose of prevention and improving management of disease must be further explored and implemented. The ability to influence cancer incidence and outcomes through dietary changes is underutilised in clinical practice and insufficiently recognised among the general public, healthcare professionals and policy-makers. Dietary changes offer the opportunity for autonomy and control over individuals health outcomes. Research has revealed that particular dietary components, as well as cultural behaviours and epidemiological patterns may act as causative or protective factors in cancer development. This review aims to comprehensively synthesise this research to further explore how to best utilise this knowledge within the community and clinical environment for more effective cancer prevention and therapeutic strategies. The identified key areas for improvement include the development of more specific, widely accepted guidelines, promoting increased involvement of dieticians within cancer multidisciplinary teams, enhancing nutritional education for healthcare professionals and exploring the potential implementation of personalised nutrition tools. A greater understanding of the complex interactions between diet and cancer will facilitate informed clinical interventions and public health policies to reduce global cancer burden and improve care for cancer patients and survivors.

The role of diet in cancer: the potential of shaping public policy and clinical outcomes in the UK


Cancer universally represents one of the largest public health concerns, substantially contributing to global disease burden and mortality. The multifaceted interplay of environmental and genetic factors in the disease aetiology and progression has required comprehensive research to elucidate modifiable elements which can reduce the risk of incidence and improve prognosis. Among these factors, diet and nutrition have emerged as the most fundamental with a significant potential for influence and effect. Nutrition is not only an essential part of human survival, but also a vital determinant of overall health. Certain dietary requirements are necessary to support normal physiology. This includes individualised levels of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) and specific micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Extensive research has demonstrated that diet plays a role in cancer pathogenesis at the genetic, epigenetic and cellular level. Therefore, its potential as a modifiable determinant of cancer pathogenesis for the purpose of prevention and improving management of disease must be further explored and implemented. The ability to influence cancer incidence and outcomes through dietary changes is underutilised in clinical practice and insufficiently recognised among the general public, healthcare professionals and policy-makers. Dietary changes offer the opportunity for autonomy and control over individuals health outcomes. Research has revealed that particular dietary components, as well as cultural behaviours and epidemiological patterns may act as causative or protective factors in cancer development. This review aims to comprehensively synthesise this research to further explore how to best utilise this knowledge within the community and clinical environment for more effective cancer prevention and therapeutic strategies. The identified key areas for improvement include the development of more specific, widely accepted guidelines, promoting increased involvement of dieticians within cancer multidisciplinary teams, enhancing nutritional education for healthcare professionals and exploring the potential implementation of personalised nutrition tools. A greater understanding of the complex interactions between diet and cancer will facilitate informed clinical interventions and public health policies to reduce global cancer burden and improve care for cancer patients and survivors.

A commentary on transformative consumer research: Musings on its genesis, evolution, and opportunity for scientific specialization


Transformative Consumer Research (TCR) was launched in 2005 with the intention to improve and maintain well-being as it is affected by the immense growth and array of worldwide consumption activities. In many respects, through the efforts of a multitude of people, TCR has flourished. But businesses, societies, technologies, and ecologies are also evolving, and TCR has related gaps of thinking and doing. To continue its evolution, and to ultimately realize its potential to become a successful ‘scientific specialty,’ TCR needs to undertake more ground-breaking goals and projects if it is to achieve its valiant mission. In this commentary, we sketch TCR’s development and assess its disciplinarity and opportunities through literature on the science of science. From those insights, we offer a range of options and activities that TCR adherents should consider in order to foster new, courageous, and valuable ventures.

A commentary on transformative consumer research: Musings on its genesis, evolution, and opportunity for scientific specialization


Transformative Consumer Research (TCR) was launched in 2005 with the intention to improve and maintain well-being as it is affected by the immense growth and array of worldwide consumption activities. In many respects, through the efforts of a multitude of people, TCR has flourished. But businesses, societies, technologies, and ecologies are also evolving, and TCR has related gaps of thinking and doing. To continue its evolution, and to ultimately realize its potential to become a successful ‘scientific specialty,’ TCR needs to undertake more ground-breaking goals and projects if it is to achieve its valiant mission. In this commentary, we sketch TCR’s development and assess its disciplinarity and opportunities through literature on the science of science. From those insights, we offer a range of options and activities that TCR adherents should consider in order to foster new, courageous, and valuable ventures.

Integrating artificial intelligence with expert knowledge in global environmental assessments: opportunities, challenges and the way ahead


With new cycles of global environmental assessments (GEAs) recently starting, including GEO-7 and IPCC AR7, there is increasing need for artificial intelligence (AI) to support in synthesising the rapidly growing body of evidence for authors and users of these assessments. In this article, we explore recent advances in AI and connect them to the different stages of GEAs showing how some processes can be automatised and streamlined. The meticulous and labour-intensive nature of GEAs serves as both a valuable strength and a challenge to staying pertinent and current in today’s era of urgency and the pursuit of the latest knowledge. Utilising AI tools for reviewing and synthesizing scientific literature holds the evident promise of substantially lessening the workload for experts and expediting the assessment process. This, in turn, could lead to more frequent report releases and a smoother integration of the latest scientific advancements into actionable measures. However, successful outcomes can only be achieved if domain experts co-develop and oversee the deployment of such tools together with AI researchers. Otherwise, these tools run the risk of producing inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading information with significant consequences. We demonstrate this through a few examples that compare recently deployed large language models (LLMs) based tools in their performance in capturing nuanced concepts in the context of the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). We recommend establishing ethical committees and organising dedicated expert meetings to develop best practice guidelines, ensuring responsible and transparent integration of AI into GEAs.