Geopolitics and Counterterrorism


As it enters a new era of strategic competition, the United States and its network of allies faces a diversifying array of terrorism threats—from new far-right actors to longstanding Salafi-jihadist networks and groups. Moreover, state adversaries will likely eagerly exploit these non-state actors in advancing their own geopolitical goals. Accordingly, the United States finds itself in a counterterrorism dilemma, managing a three-front counterterrorism struggle at precisely the moment it wishes to reallocate resources to the Indo-Pacific. It would be well-served leaning into competitive advantages developed during the War on Terror, building on successes from the counterterrorism fight to better prepare to confront strategic rivals.

A Climate Change Outlook on the 2023 OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct: Which Contribution from the Practice of the NCPs?


The present contribution discusses the most relevant amendments to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises in respect of climate change, as included in the 2023 OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct. Starting from the fact that, even though the 2011 edition of the OECD Guidelines did not specifically address climate change, NCPs have however often confronted with climate issues related to this phenomenon, the analysis is undertaken considering the climate change-related NCP complaints brought to date and the NCPs’ determinations. The ultimate goal is to verify whether and, if so, to what extent the practice of the NCPs has influenced and is reflected in the relevant 2023 OECD Guidelines. To do so, after analysing the recommendations about climate change included in the recently updated version of the OECD Guidelines, the present contribution will undertake a thorough analysis of the relevant complaints, paying particular attention to those which best reflect the trend to use the 2011 OECD Guidelines also with regard to climate change-related issues.