Queering the Book Club: Empathy Development Through Young Adult Literature in Australian Discussion Groups


Young Adult (YA) literature that focuses on the experiences of marginalized individuals and communities empowers young readers, challenges social stigma and discrimination, and supports identity formation. This article explores the impact of queer YA literature on young queer and questioning readers, with a specific focus on how it can develop empathy within its audience. We analyzed reader responses to queer representation through monthly focus groups with twenty-three queer-identifying participants. Over eight months the participants discussed pre-selected queer YA texts. We found that queer YA literature has the capacity to not only empower its readers, but to develop their capacity for empathy, challenge perceived social norms, and demonstrate the potential of literature as a tool for activism and advocacy. Showing younger readers diverse experiences within queer YA literature can support readers to see themselves reflected on the page, and challenge reductive and restrictive views about queer identities.

Perceptions of journal editors on the use of eponyms in anatomical publishing: the need for compromise


While arguments have been made both for and against the value of anatomical eponyms, limited research exists regarding their use by anatomists. As the editors of the principal international anatomy journals have purview and control of terminology in anatomical journals, their perceptions regarding the relevance, ethics and inclusivity of eponym use in anatomy and in publishing in anatomical journals were investigated. A validated, confidential and anonymized self-administered questionnaire which included open-ended questions was distributed to the 22 Editor-in-Chiefs/Senior Editors of anatomical journals. Of the 16 (73%) editors who responded to the survey, only 56% were aware that eponyms had been censured since the time of the 1895 Nomina Anatomica. The majority of responding editors found the use of Latin- and Greek-derived terms more valuable when communicating with students and peers, but also thought eponyms were acceptable in manuscripts submitted to their journals. Thirteen (81%) of the responding editors agreed that eponyms play a vital role in the history of anatomy, and some thought they were important for discussing bioethics concepts. However, 62.5% felt that there were valid reasons for their discontinuation. Half of the respondents did not consider the continued use of eponyms an ethical concern. Responding editors of anatomical journals prefer the use of Latin- and Greek- derived terms when interacting with other anatomists and students. However, the continued use of eponyms was seen as an important opportunity for discussion on the history and ethics of anatomy.

Shell Midden Archaeology: Current Trends and Future Directions


Since the 19th century, the study of shell middens has played an important role in archaeological research. Shell midden and broader coastal archaeology have transformed our understanding of human relationships with aquatic habitats, demonstrating the importance of marine environments to human evolution and ecology, the colonization of islands and establishment of maritime trade networks, changing social and political dynamics, and a variety of other issues. During the past two decades, shell midden research has greatly increased, marking an exciting time for new discoveries and heightened collaboration with Indigenous communities. Several key research trends in shell midden archaeology during the past 10–15 years include research on site distribution and temporality, underwater archaeology, historical ecology, terraforming, landscape legacies, and community collaboration. These research trends demonstrate the ways in which shell midden archaeologists are shaping our understanding of the human past and environmental change around the world.

AIH Therapy: Beyond First-Line


Purpose of Review

The purpose of the article is to review treatment options for patients with AIH for whom first-line therapy is not successful. We outline recommended approaches for providers and new therapies on the horizon.

Recent Findings

Budesonide, while advantageous in some respects, may not be as effective as predniso(lo)ne. Mycophenolate mofetil is most effective in the setting of azathioprine intolerance and less effective when the response to azathioprine has been inadequate. Infliximab is the biologic agent with the most evidence for use in AIH. Clinical trials studying interleukin 2, regulatory T cells, inhibitors of BAFF signaling, and immunoproteasome inhibitors have been initiated but more research is needed, particularly in Black people, Indigenous people, and People of Color.


While multiple agents have been reported as second- or third-line therapies, the evidence is limited. Future research will require multicenter collaboration and should explore therapeutics supported by molecular studies.

Governance, Monumentality, and Urbanism in the Northern Maya Lowlands During the Preclassic and Classic Periods


This article synthesizes monumentality, governance, urbanism, and regional statecraft in the Northern Maya Lowlands during the Preclassic and Classic periods. As in some parts of the Southern Lowlands, ceremonial spaces likely predated sedentism and monumental construction predated large-scale inequality. Nevertheless, the process of construction and the resulting monuments facilitated complex societies. In the Late Preclassic, some political centers featured factional competition, and there is less evidence for individual rulers than in the Southern Lowlands. The Classic period exhibits remarkable variation in governance. Both dynastic rulership and collective governance in the form of shared decision making are common in the Northern Lowlands throughout the Classic period, with a shift toward the former in later centuries. Northern Lowland cities, while more densely settled than most Southern Lowland centers, do not follow settlement scaling expectations. Density contributed to neighborhood formation and collective action, yet minimal spatial clustering of households makes neighborhoods more difficult to identify. Intra-household inequality appears not to correlate with forms of governance. Marketplaces facilitated the both leadership strategies and household livelihoods. Scholars debate the nature or governance at Chichen Itza, yet several recent projects in its hinterlands clarify the nature of regional statecraft at Chichen, whose leaders exercised a variety of strategies, enabling the enrichment of some of its neighbors.

Clustering-based visualizations for diagnosing diseases on metagenomic data


Metagenomic data has recently become crucial for precision or personalized medicine. However, these data are often complex, challenging to observe and require sophisticated visualization approaches such as clustering algorithms. Additionally, leveraging the robustness of a simple deep learning architecture, such as a shallow convolutional neural network, has attracted many scientists. Therefore, this study utilized well-known clustering algorithms such as density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN), balanced iterative reducing and clustering using hierarchies (BIRCH), and ordering points to identify the clustering structure (OPTICS) to identify patterns in complex data and generate visualizations from species abundance composition of various diseases. The study then integrated a shallow convolutional neural network to perform disease prediction tasks on clustering-based visualizations. Experimental results showed that BIRCH outperformed some studies in diagnosing Type 2 diabetes, while DBSCAN performed well in diagnosing Colorectal cancer and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Mitología Griega y Discurso Ecológico


This article explores the use of Greek mythology in current ecological discourse. In Classical Studies, specifically in Classical Tradition studies, the ecocritical revision of Greco-Latin texts and their survival is still in its infancy. The ecological question is usually approached as a reconstruction of notions and uses of nature, with little reference to the contemporary philosophical and cultural discourse that revolves around the cultural causes of the climate crisis, its historical paradoxes, and its future projections. This has led to a situation in which ancient mythology, especially Greek mythology, is used by ecological discourse representatives for argumentative, explanatory, or informative purposes without the required textual criticism and scientific rigor. This paper insists on the need to critically review the ecological readings of Greek mythology to avoid contradictions, paradoxes, or biased interpretations that could weaken the ecocritical debate. Specifically, two predominant tendencies are analyzed: the argumentative use of myth (e.g., in the case of the adamantine chains of Prometheus or the use of Platonic myths) and its resemanticization for a specific discursive purpose (e.g., the reductionist interpretations of Gaia and Medusa) in authors such as Timothy Morton, Jane Bennett, Ursula Heise, or Donna Haraway. The results show that the treatment of Greek myths in the ecological discourse is often subordinated to argumentative needs, avoiding alternative mythographic sources that relativize what has been exposed or venturing into biased interpretations that can lead to undesired contradictions concerning the postulates of the ecological discourse itself.

Interpreting Neuroscientific Evidence in the Legal Domain: Do the Stereotypes Come In?


The current article explores the meaning of neuroscientific evidence in the legal domain. It takes a social-psychological perspective to discuss how group-based stereotypes affect legal decision-making critically. Examining how any interpretation is anchored and objectified is interesting as evidence is interpreted in the context. Dominantly, with the ubiquity of neuroscience in different domains, the brain is positioned as an authentic source of nurturing authenticity. It is observed that sometimes unquestionable scientific knowledge may surpass the rationality and intuition of judges. In one way, it is a boon; in another, it is shaping the whole framework of our knowledge system, where knowledge from brain studies reifies our understanding of human actions and thinking.

Indigenous Autism in Canada: A Scoping Review


Currently there is a severe lack of research on autism and Indigenous people in Canada. This scoping review explores this literature gap and assesses the same literature from an Indigenous perspective. Scoping reviews are an effective means to explore the literature in a specific area, in this case, autism and Indigenous people in Canada. We explored existing literature as it pertains to Indigenous populations and autism in Canada. To support this review, the Indigenous Quality Assessment Tool (QAT) was adapted to appraise the quality of literature. In total, there were a total of 212 articles identified of which 24 met the inclusion criteria: (1) some focus on autism, (2) a component specific to Indigenous people, and (3) specific to Canada. Of the 24 articles and reports, 15 were peer-reviewed and the rest considered grey literature. Most articles focused on program delivery with some literature using primary data (quantitative and/or qualitative). Overall, the quality of the research was appraised as poor, as determined by the QAT. Findings reaffirm the critical need for research that addresses autism in Indigenous communities within Canada and show the importance of having research done in full partnership with, or led by, Indigenous people.

AI Governance in a Complex and Rapidly Changing Regulatory Landscape: A Global Perspective


The rapid advancement and deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) poses significant regulatory challenges for societies. While it has the potential to bring many benefits, the risks of commercial exploitation or unknown technological dangers have led many jurisdictions to seek a legal response before measurable harm occurs. However, the lack of technical capabilities to regulate this sector despite the urgency to do so resulted in regulatory inertia. Given the borderless nature of this issue, an internationally coordinated response is necessary. This article focuses on the theoretical framework being established in relation to the development of international law applicable to AI and the regulatory authority to create and monitor enforcement of said law. The authors argue that the road ahead remains full of obstacles that must be tackled before the above-mentioned elements see the light despite the attempts being made currently to that end.