The impact of a tDCS and cognitive training intervention on task-based functional connectivity


Declines in several cognitive domains, most notably processing speed, occur in non-pathological aging. Given the exponential growth of the older adult population, declines in cognition serve as a significant public health issue that must be addressed. Promising studies have shown that cognitive training in older adults, particularly using the useful field of view (UFOV) paradigm, can improve cognition with moderate to large effect sizes. Additionally, meta-analyses have found that transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a non-invasive form of brain stimulation, can improve cognition in attention/processing speed and working memory. However, only a handful of studies have looked at concomitant tDCS and cognitive training, usually with short interventions and small sample sizes. The current study assessed the effect of a tDCS (active versus sham) and a 3-month cognitive training intervention on task-based functional connectivity during completion of the UFOV task in a large older adult sample (N = 153). We found significant increased functional connectivity between the left and right pars triangularis (the ROIs closest to the electrodes) following active, but not sham tDCS. Additionally, we see trending behavioral improvements associated with these functional connectivity changes in the active tDCS group, but not sham. Collectively, these findings suggest that tDCS and cognitive training can be an effective modulator of task-based functional connectivity above and beyond a cognitive training intervention alone.

Characterizing the immune response to myocardial infarction in pigs


Though myocardial infarction (MI) in pigs is a well-established translational large animal model, it has not yet been widely used for immunotherapy studies, and a comprehensive description of the immune response to MI in this species is lacking. We induced MI in Landrace pigs by balloon occlusion of the left anterior descending artery over 90 min. Within 14 days, the necrotic myocardium was progressively replaced by scar tissue with involvement of myofibroblasts. We characterized the immune response in the heart ex vivo by (immuno)histology, flow cytometry, and RNA sequencing of myocardial tissue on days 3, 7, and 14 after MI. Besides a clear predominance of myeloid cells among heart-infiltrating leukocytes, we detected activated T cells and an increasing proportion of CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg), especially in the infarct core—findings that closely mirror what has been observed in mice and humans after MI. Transcriptome data indicated inflammatory activity that was persistent but markedly changing in character over time and linked to extracellular matrix biology. Analysis of lymphocytes in heart-draining lymph nodes revealed significantly higher proliferation rates of T helper cell subsets, including Treg on day 7 after MI, compared to sham controls. Elevated frequencies of myeloid progenitors in the spleen suggest that it might be a site of emergency myelopoiesis after MI in pigs, as previously shown in mice. We thus provide a first description of the immune response to MI in pigs, and our results can aid future research using the species for preclinical immunotherapy studies.

Characterizing the immune response to myocardial infarction in pigs


Though myocardial infarction (MI) in pigs is a well-established translational large animal model, it has not yet been widely used for immunotherapy studies, and a comprehensive description of the immune response to MI in this species is lacking. We induced MI in Landrace pigs by balloon occlusion of the left anterior descending artery over 90 min. Within 14 days, the necrotic myocardium was progressively replaced by scar tissue with involvement of myofibroblasts. We characterized the immune response in the heart ex vivo by (immuno)histology, flow cytometry, and RNA sequencing of myocardial tissue on days 3, 7, and 14 after MI. Besides a clear predominance of myeloid cells among heart-infiltrating leukocytes, we detected activated T cells and an increasing proportion of CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg), especially in the infarct core—findings that closely mirror what has been observed in mice and humans after MI. Transcriptome data indicated inflammatory activity that was persistent but markedly changing in character over time and linked to extracellular matrix biology. Analysis of lymphocytes in heart-draining lymph nodes revealed significantly higher proliferation rates of T helper cell subsets, including Treg on day 7 after MI, compared to sham controls. Elevated frequencies of myeloid progenitors in the spleen suggest that it might be a site of emergency myelopoiesis after MI in pigs, as previously shown in mice. We thus provide a first description of the immune response to MI in pigs, and our results can aid future research using the species for preclinical immunotherapy studies.

It takes two to tango: the second session of negotiations (INC-2) for a global treaty to end plastic pollution


The United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) has completed its second round of negotiations on a new international legally binding instrument to ‘end plastic pollution’. This paper examines the results of the second session of negotiations, which took place May 29–June 2, 2023, and analyses the trends, barriers, and themes shaping the emerging legally binding instrument. The paper considers the discussion surrounding the Options Paper as presented by the INC Secretariat and United Nations Environmental Program based upon written submissions received by UN member states prior to the second session of negotiations. These include potential elements the future treaty text may include—namely objectives, core obligations, and implementation and monitoring measures. At the second session of negotiations, progress towards consensus on these items was severely lacking. We draw on close observations via event ethnography of participants during the negotiations and document analysis. We conclude by looking towards the third round of negotiations by discussing the ongoing ‘dance’ of sorts as submissions are being asked of member states and like-minded groups to contribute to the zero draft treaty text.

The Impact of COVID-19 and Immigration Enforcement on Service Delivery for Immigrant Origin Families Involved in the Child Welfare System


This descriptive study sought to explore how child welfare agencies and community partner organizations experienced and adapted service provision for immigrant children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were completed with 31 child welfare agency practitioners and community partners in 11 states who work with immigrant clients or on immigration related policies within the child welfare sector. Data were coded and analyzed using a thematic analysis approach.

Results: Findings documented ongoing immigration-related fears in accessing services due to the anti-immigrant climate as well as increased scarcity of resources and basic needs stressors among immigrants served by the child welfare community during the pandemic. Results also identified child welfare systemic and structural barriers to accessing needed case supports for immigrants, in addition to innovative practice and policy adaptations to meet immigrant needs during the pandemic.

COVID-19 created overwhelming challenges for already overburdened immigrant families at risk of or involved with the child welfare system. Child welfare agencies should foster collaborations with immigrant-serving community organizations who can share information and resources about COVID-19, immigration enforcement, and vaccine distribution. Agencies should adopt policies for tele-visiting that support transnational participation in virtual family visits and court hearings to create more equitable opportunities for reunification and permanency.