The Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the National Strategy of Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Slovenia 2015-2020 in September 2015. Slovenian research performing organizations have however not yet adopted OA policies.
Mrs Petra Tramte from the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport was nominated as the National Point of Reference in accordance with the Commission Recommendation of 17. 7. 2012 on access to and preservation of scientific information . She also coordinates the activities of the working group on open access, nominated by the Minister.
Slovenian Research Agency signed Plan S in September 2018 and the DORA Declaration in July 2019.
Information on OA in Slovenian language is available through the national portal Open Access Slovenia . As of March 2021, 63 Slovenian OA journals are indexed in the Directory of OA journals (DOAJ). The electronic versions of all publicly co-financed Slovenian subscription journals and final reports of research projects, financed by the Slovenian Research Agency, must be deposited into the Digital Library of Slovenia . Many of the scientific journals use Open Journal Systems for managing the publication process. The country does not have a national portal for OA journals or for OA monographs. There are 8 policies in ROARMAP and 12 OA repositories.
The Open Science Slovenia portal was established that harvests metadata from Slovenian repositories and other archives for scientific publications and research data which enables joint display and federated search at the portal. Slovenian repositories for the research outcomes ( Digital LIbrary of the University of Maribor , Repository of the University of Ljubljana , Repository of the University of Primorska , Repository of the University of Nova Gorica , Digital Repository of the Research Organizations of Slovenia ) enable collection, storage and making scientific publications available to the public.
Repositories are compatible with the OpenAIRE Guidelines and are included into the OpenAIRE portal . Slovenia takes part in the OpenAIRE2020 project (the National Open Access Desk at the University of Ljubljana). Social Science Data Archives , a member of CESSDA, maintained by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana, is collecting research data from the social sciences research. CLARIN.SI is the Slovenian research infrastructure for language sources and technologies. SI-DIH DARIAH search engine enables search for research data in different repositories and archives of institutions and societies from the humanities and the arts.
Some of the open access projects undertaken in Slovenia are:
Slovenian Biographical Lexicon
– history of Slovenia
– digital infrastructure for the humanities and the arts
– Slovenian literature
Slovensko leposlovje na spletu
– Slovenian literature
Slovenski zgodovinski roman
– Slovenian historical novels
Slovenska kmečka povest
– Slovenian rural stories
Open Access Slovenia
portal, Jožef Stefan Institute, Dr Luka Šušteršič, luka.sustersic(at)
Open Science Slovenia
portal, University of Maribor, Dr Milan Ojsteršek, milan.ojstersek(at)
OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk
, University of Ljubljana, Dr Mojca Kotar, mojca.kotar(at)
Open Data Project
, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dr Janez Štebe, janez.stebe(at)
: COBISS (Co-operative Online Bibliographic Systems and Services) is a reference model of a system representing the platform for the national library information systems of Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, which are interconnected in the COBISS.Net regional network. Institute of Information Science, Davor Šoštarič, davor.sostaric(at)
coordinator, National and University Library, Dr Alenka Kavčič-Ćolić, alenka.kavcic(at)
Enabling Environment
The organization of the Slovenian research environment is defined in the Research and Development Act , which also specifies how research and development policies are implemented and how research is funded from the government funds and other sources (European programmes and frameworks, local communities, and business enterprises). Research and development activities are carried out by the research performing institutions through programmes and projects, and by private researchers through projects. The Research and Development Act states that results of research and development activities, financed from the government funds, should be made publicly available with the only limitations being those set by the regulations on intellectual property, authors’ rights and personal data.
The Resolution on Research and Innovation Strategy of Slovenia 2011-2020 determines OA to raw research data from publicly financed research and preparation of an action plan till the year 2014 as a basis for a national Open Research Data policy.
The Research Infrastructures Roadmap 2011-2020 envisages the international cooperation of Slovenia in ESS, DARIAH and CESSDA projects. National repositories for scientific publications and for raw research data are planned and are to be connected to the national Current Research Information System ( SICRIS ). Deposit of research publications and raw data is to be made mandatory when the infrastructure is established. Building of an open social sciences and humanities research infrastructure is also anticipated.
Research and development activities are carried out at approximately 400 research institutions. There are three public universities in Slovenia: the University of Ljubljana , the University of Maribor , and the University of Primorska . The largest among the private academic institutions is the University of Nova Gorica . The four universities form the Rectors’ Conference of the Republic of Slovenia . The largest research institutes in Slovenia are the Jožef Stefan Institute , the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts , the National Institute of Chemistry , the Institute of Oncology , the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia , and the National Institute of Biology . The umbrella interest association of research institutes is KOsRIS (Coordination of Independent Research Institutions of Slovenia).
Data on Slovenian researchers, organizations, research groups, projects, and programmes are available via the Slovenian Current Research Information System SICRIS ( personal bibliographies of researchers are also used for research evaluation ).
More information on the national research environment is available at the Research and Innovation Observatory (RIO)- Slovenia .
Major funders of research are: The Slovenian Research Agency and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
In 2014, Slovenia spent 2.39 % of its gross domestic product to finance research and development activities. In the same year the total funding for R&D; expenditure from abroad amounted to 82.48 million EUR, out of this 38.19 million EUR from the European Commission .
Key Organizations
Digital Library of Slovenia (
Overview: National digital library of print, photographs and multimedia
Communication: National and University Library, Turjaška 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana, info(at)
Digital Library of the University of Maribor (DKUM)
Overview: Institutional repository of the university
Communication: University of Maribor, Slomškov trg 15, SI-2000 Maribor, rektorat(at)
Overview: Institutional repository of the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana
Communication: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Kardeljeva ploščad 16, SI-1000 Ljubljana, pisarna(at)
Overview: Institutional repository of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of the University of Ljubljana
Communication: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Jamova 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, fgg(at)
Events and Programs
2017 EIFL General Assembly, 22 Sep 2017 - 24 Sep 2017, Tbilisi, Georgia
Pop-Up Café of Open Science
Organized by Borut Kirar | Type: open, access, awareness, &, education, /, social, event
June 2016:
Research Data Management, Access and Use of Secondary Data
August 2015:
CESSDA Research Data Management for Open Data doctoral training series: Research Data Management and Open Data
PASTEUR4OA PROJECT MID-TERM MEETING, 13 May 2015, Brussels, Belgium
OPENAIRE2020 KICK-OFF MEETING, 28 Jan 2015 - 29 Jan 2015, Athens, Greece
Open Access Week in Slovenia
: Central Technological Library in Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor and Arnes joined the celebrations by hosting a video conference with
Peter Suber
, Director of the Harvard Office for Scholarly Communication and the Harvard Open Access Project, Senior Researcher at the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC). Open access and open content licenses were discussed as well as open access policies in Europe and the US, visibility of research publications and new approaches to research assessment and evaluation.
27-28 October, 2010:
Open access to the achievements of Slovenian scientists
, 4th joint conference of the Special Libraries Section and the Academic Libraries Section of the Slovenian Library Association, Ljubljana.
Björk, B. C., and Ž. Turk. 2006. “The Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon): An Open Access Journal Using an Un-Paid, Volunteer-Based Organization.” Information Research 11(3):185–203.
Björk, B. C., Ž. Turk, and J. Holmström. 2005. “The Scholarly Journal Re-Engineered: A Case Study of an Open Access Journal in Construction It.” Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction 10:349–71.
Borovič, M., M. Ferme, J. Brezovnik, S. Majninger, K. Kac, and M. Ojsteršek. 2020. “Document Recommendations and Feedback Collection Analysis within the Slovenian Open-Access Infrastructure.” Information (Switzerland) 11(11):1–14. doi: 10.3390/info11110497.
De Koning, D. J., F. Jaffrézic, M. S. Lund, M. Watson, C. Channing, I. Hulsegge, M. H. Pool, B. Buitenhuis, J. Hedegaard, H. Hornshøj, L. Jiang, P. Sørensen, G. Marot, C. Delmas, K. A. Lê Cao, M. San Cristobal, M. D. Baron, R. Malinverni, A. Stella, R. M. Brunner, H. M. Seyfert, K. Jensen, D. Mouzaki, D. Waddington, Á. Jiménez-Marín, M. Pérez-Alegre, E. Pérez-Reinado, R. Closset, J. C. Detilleux, P. Dovč, M. Lavrič, H. Nie, and L. Janss. 2007. “The EADGENE Microarray Data Analysis Workshop (Open Access Publication).” Genetics Selection Evolution 39(6):621–31. doi: 10.1051/gse:2007028.
Farace, D., J. Frantzen, S. Biagioni, C. Carlesi, A. De Robbio, A. Češarek, C. de Blaaij, K. Ikeda, and J. Crowe. 2020. “Accessgrey: Securing Open Access to Grey Literature for Science and Society.” Grey Journal 16(3):153–59.
Farace, D., J. Frantzen, S. Biagioni, C. Carlesi, A. de Robbio, A. Češarek, C. de Blaaij, K. Ikeda, and J. Crowe. 2020. “Accessgrey: Securing Open Access to Grey Literature for Science and Society.” Pp. 89–96 in GL-Conference Series: Conference Proceedings. Vols. 2020-October.
Jaffrézic, F., D. J. De Koning, P. J. Boettcher, A. Bonnet, B. Buitenhuis, R. Closset, S. Déjean, C. Delmas, J. C. Detilleux, P. Dovč, M. Duval, J. L. Foulley, J. Hedegaard, H. Hornshøj, I. Hulsegge, L. Janss, K. Jensen, L. Jiang, M. Lavrič, K. A. Lê Cao, M. S. Lund, R. Malinverni, G. Marot, H. Nie, W. Petzl, M. H. Pool, C. Robert-Granié, M. San Cristobal, E. M. Van Schothorst, H. J. Schuberth, P. Sørensen, A. Stella, G. Tosser-Klopp, D. Waddington, M. Watson, W. Yang, H. Zerbe, and H. M. Seyfert. 2007. “Analysis of the Real EADGENE Data Set: Comparison of Methods and Guidelines for Data Normalisation and Selection of Differentially Expressed Genes (Open Access Publication).” Genetics Selection Evolution 39(6):633–50. doi: 10.1051/gse:2007029.
Kattge, J., G. Bönisch, S. Díaz, S. Lavorel, I. C. Prentice, P. Leadley, S. Tautenhahn, G. D. A. Werner, T. Aakala, M. Abedi, A. T. R. Acosta, G. C. Adamidis, K. Adamson, M. Aiba, C. H. Albert, J. M. Alcántara, C. Alcázar C, I. Aleixo, H. Ali, B. Amiaud, C. Ammer, M. M. Amoroso, M. Anand, C. Anderson, N. Anten, J. Antos, D. M. G. Apgaua, T. L. Ashman, D. H. Asmara, G. P. Asner, M. Aspinwall, O. Atkin, I. Aubin, L. Baastrup-Spohr, K. Bahalkeh, M. Bahn, T. Baker, W. J. Baker, J. P. Bakker, D. Baldocchi, J. Baltzer, A. Banerjee, A. Baranger, J. Barlow, D. R. Barneche, Z. Baruch, D. Bastianelli, J. Battles, W. Bauerle, M. Bauters, E. Bazzato, M. Beckmann, H. Beeckman, C. Beierkuhnlein, R. Bekker, G. Belfry, M. Belluau, M. Beloiu, R. Benavides, L. Benomar, M. L. Berdugo-Lattke, E. Berenguer, R. Bergamin, J. Bergmann, M. Bergmann Carlucci, L. Berner, M. Bernhardt-Römermann, C. Bigler, A. D. Bjorkman, C. Blackman, C. Blanco, B. Blonder, D. Blumenthal, K. T. Bocanegra-González, P. Boeckx, S. Bohlman, K. Böhning-Gaese, L. Boisvert-Marsh, W. Bond, B. Bond-Lamberty, A. Boom, C. C. F. Boonman, K. Bordin, E. H. Boughton, V. Boukili, D. M. J. S. Bowman, S. Bravo, M. R. Brendel, M. R. Broadley, K. A. Brown, H. Bruelheide, F. Brumnich, H. H. Bruun, D. Bruy, S. W. Buchanan, S. F. Bucher, N. Buchmann, R. Buitenwerf, D. E. Bunker, J. Bürger, S. Burrascano, D. F. R. P. Burslem, B. J. Butterfield, C. Byun, M. Marques, M. C. Scalon, M. Caccianiga, M. Cadotte, M. Cailleret, J. Camac, J. J. Camarero, C. Campany, G. Campetella, J. A. Campos, L. Cano-Arboleda, R. Canullo, M. Carbognani, F. Carvalho, F. Casanoves, B. Castagneyrol, J. A. Catford, J. Cavender-Bares, B. E. L. Cerabolini, M. Cervellini, E. Chacón-Madrigal, K. Chapin, F. S. Chapin, S. Chelli, S. C. Chen, A. Chen, P. Cherubini, F. Chianucci, B. Choat, K. S. Chung, M. Chytrý, D. Ciccarelli, L. Coll, C. G. Collins, L. Conti, D. Coomes, J. H. C. Cornelissen, W. K. Cornwell, P. Corona, M. Coyea, J. Craine, D. Craven, J. P. G. M. Cromsigt, A. Csecserits, K. Cufar, M. Cuntz, A. C. da Silva, K. M. Dahlin, M. Dainese, I. Dalke, M. Dalle Fratte, A. T. Dang-Le, J. Danihelka, M. Dannoura, S. Dawson, A. J. de Beer, A. De Frutos, J. R. De Long, B. Dechant, S. Delagrange, N. Delpierre, G. Derroire, A. S. Dias, M. H. Diaz-Toribio, P. G. Dimitrakopoulos, M. Dobrowolski, D. Doktor, P. Dřevojan, N. Dong, J. Dransfield, S. Dressler, L. Duarte, E. Ducouret, S. Dullinger, W. Durka, R. Duursma, O. Dymova, A. E-Vojtkó, R. L. Eckstein, H. Ejtehadi, J. Elser, T. Emilio, K. Engemann, M. B. Erfanian, A. Erfmeier, A. Esquivel-Muelbert, G. Esser, M. Estiarte, T. F. Domingues, W. F. Fagan, J. Fagúndez, D. S. Falster, Y. Fan, J. Fang, E. Farris, F. Fazlioglu, Y. Feng, F. Fernandez-Mendez, C. Ferrara, J. Ferreira, A. Fidelis, B. Finegan, J. Firn, T. J. Flowers, D. F. B. Flynn, V. Fontana, E. Forey, C. Forgiarini, L. François, M. Frangipani, D. Frank, C. Frenette-Dussault, G. T. Freschet, E. L. Fry, N. M. Fyllas, G. G. Mazzochini, S. Gachet, R. Gallagher, G. Ganade, F. Ganga, P. García-Palacios, V. Gargaglione, E. Garnier, J. L. Garrido, A. L. de Gasper, G. Gea-Izquierdo, D. Gibson, A. N. Gillison, A. Giroldo, M. C. Glasenhardt, S. Gleason, M. Gliesch, E. Goldberg, B. Göldel, E. Gonzalez-Akre, J. L. Gonzalez-Andujar, A. González-Melo, A. González-Robles, B. J. Graae, E. Granda, S. Graves, W. A. Green, T. Gregor, N. Gross, G. R. Guerin, A. Günther, A. G. Gutiérrez, L. Haddock, A. Haines, J. Hall, A. Hambuckers, W. Han, S. P. Harrison, W. Hattingh, J. E. Hawes, T. He, P. He, J. M. Heberling, A. Helm, S. Hempel, J. Hentschel, B. Hérault, A. M. Hereş, K. Herz, M. Heuertz, T. Hickler, P. Hietz, P. Higuchi, A. L. Hipp, A. Hirons, M. Hock, J. A. Hogan, K. Holl, O. Honnay, D. Hornstein, E. Hou, N. Hough-Snee, K. A. Hovstad, T. Ichie, B. Igić, E. Illa, M. Isaac, M. Ishihara, L. Ivanov, L. Ivanova, C. M. Iversen, J. Izquierdo, R. B. Jackson, B. Jackson, H. Jactel, A. M. Jagodzinski, U. Jandt, S. Jansen, T. Jenkins, A. Jentsch, J. R. P. Jespersen, G. F. Jiang, J. L. Johansen, D. Johnson, E. J. Jokela, C. A. Joly, G. J. Jordan, G. S. Joseph, D. Junaedi, R. R. Junker, E. Justes, R. Kabzems, J. Kane, Z. Kaplan, T. Kattenborn, L. Kavelenova, E. Kearsley, A. Kempel, T. Kenzo, A. Kerkhoff, M. I. Khalil, N. L. Kinlock, W. D. Kissling, K. Kitajima, T. Kitzberger, R. Kjøller, T. Klein, M. Kleyer, J. Klimešová, J. Klipel, B. Kloeppel, S. Klotz, J. M. H. Knops, T. Kohyama, F. Koike, J. Kollmann, B. Komac, K. Komatsu, C. König, N. J. B. Kraft, K. Kramer, H. Kreft, I. Kühn, D. Kumarathunge, J. Kuppler, H. Kurokawa, Y. Kurosawa, S. Kuyah, J. P. Laclau, B. Lafleur, E. Lallai, E. Lamb, A. Lamprecht, D. J. Larkin, D. Laughlin, Y. Le Bagousse-Pinguet, G. le Maire, P. C. le Roux, E. le Roux, T. Lee, F. Lens, S. L. Lewis, B. Lhotsky, Y. Li, X. Li, J. W. Lichstein, M. Liebergesell, J. Y. Lim, Y. S. Lin, J. C. Linares, C. Liu, D. Liu, U. Liu, S. Livingstone, J. Llusià, M. Lohbeck, Á. López-García, G. Lopez-Gonzalez, Z. Lososová, F. Louault, B. A. Lukács, P. Lukeš, Y. Luo, M. Lussu, S. Ma, C. Maciel Rabelo Pereira, M. Mack, V. Maire, A. Mäkelä, H. Mäkinen, A. C. M. Malhado, A. Mallik, P. Manning, S. Manzoni, Z. Marchetti, L. Marchino, V. Marcilio-Silva, E. Marcon, M. Marignani, L. Markesteijn, A. Martin, C. Martínez-Garza, J. Martínez-Vilalta, T. Mašková, K. Mason, N. Mason, T. J. Massad, J. Masse, I. Mayrose, J. McCarthy, M. L. McCormack, K. McCulloh, I. R. McFadden, B. J. McGill, M. Y. McPartland, J. S. Medeiros, B. Medlyn, P. Meerts, Z. Mehrabi, P. Meir, F. P. L. Melo, M. Mencuccini, C. Meredieu, J. Messier, I. Mészáros, J. Metsaranta, S. T. Michaletz, C. Michelaki, S. Migalina, R. Milla, J. E. D. Miller, V. Minden, R. Ming, K. Mokany, A. T. Moles, A. Molnár, J. Molofsky, M. Molz, R. A. Montgomery, A. Monty, L. Moravcová, A. Moreno-Martínez, M. Moretti, A. S. Mori, S. Mori, D. Morris, J. Morrison, L. Mucina, S. Mueller, C. D. Muir, S. C. Müller, F. Munoz, I. H. Myers-Smith, R. W. Myster, M. Nagano, S. Naidu, A. Narayanan, B. Natesan, L. Negoita, A. S. Nelson, E. L. Neuschulz, J. Ni, G. Niedrist, J. Nieto, Ü. Niinemets, R. Nolan, H. Nottebrock, Y. Nouvellon, A. Novakovskiy, K. O. Nystuen, A. O’Grady, K. O’Hara, A. O’Reilly-Nugent, S. Oakley, W. Oberhuber, T. Ohtsuka, R. Oliveira, K. Öllerer, M. E. Olson, V. Onipchenko, Y. Onoda, R. E. Onstein, J. C. Ordonez, N. Osada, I. Ostonen, G. Ottaviani, S. Otto, G. E. Overbeck, W. A. Ozinga, A. T. Pahl, C. E. T. Paine, R. J. Pakeman, A. C. Papageorgiou, E. Parfionova, M. Pärtel, M. Patacca, S. Paula, J. Paule, H. Pauli, J. G. Pausas, B. Peco, J. Penuelas, A. Perea, P. L. Peri, A. C. Petisco-Souza, A. Petraglia, A. M. Petritan, O. L. Phillips, S. Pierce, V. D. Pillar, J. Pisek, A. Pomogaybin, H. Poorter, A. Portsmuth, P. Poschlod, C. Potvin, D. Pounds, A. S. Powell, S. A. Power, A. Prinzing, G. Puglielli, P. Pyšek, V. Raevel, A. Rammig, J. Ransijn, C. A. Ray, P. B. Reich, M. Reichstein, D. E. B. Reid, M. Réjou-Méchain, V. R. de Dios, S. Ribeiro, S. Richardson, K. Riibak, M. C. Rillig, F. Riviera, E. M. R. Robert, S. Roberts, B. Robroek, A. Roddy, A. V. Rodrigues, A. Rogers, E. Rollinson, V. Rolo, C. Römermann, D. Ronzhina, C. Roscher, J. A. Rosell, M. F. Rosenfield, C. Rossi, D. B. Roy, S. Royer-Tardif, N. Rüger, R. Ruiz-Peinado, S. B. Rumpf, G. M. Rusch, M. Ryo, L. Sack, A. Saldaña, B. Salgado-Negret, R. Salguero-Gomez, I. Santa-Regina, A. C. Santacruz-García, J. Santos, J. Sardans, B. Schamp, M. Scherer-Lorenzen, M. Schleuning, B. Schmid, M. Schmidt, S. Schmitt, J. V. Schneider, S. D. Schowanek, J. Schrader, F. Schrodt, B. Schuldt, F. Schurr, G. Selaya Garvizu, M. Semchenko, C. Seymour, J. C. Sfair, J. M. Sharpe, C. S. Sheppard, S. Sheremetiev, S. Shiodera, B. Shipley, T. A. Shovon, A. Siebenkäs, C. Sierra, V. Silva, M. Silva, T. Sitzia, H. Sjöman, M. Slot, N. G. Smith, D. Sodhi, P. Soltis, D. Soltis, B. Somers, G. Sonnier, M. V. Sørensen, E. E. Sosinski, N. A. Soudzilovskaia, A. F. Souza, M. Spasojevic, M. G. Sperandii, A. B. Stan, J. Stegen, K. Steinbauer, J. G. Stephan, F. Sterck, D. B. Stojanovic, T. Strydom, M. L. Suarez, J. C. Svenning, I. Svitková, M. Svitok, M. Svoboda, E. Swaine, N. Swenson, M. Tabarelli, K. Takagi, U. Tappeiner, R. Tarifa, S. Tauugourdeau, C. Tavsanoglu, M. te Beest, L. Tedersoo, N. Thiffault, D. Thom, E. Thomas, K. Thompson, P. E. Thornton, W. Thuiller, L. Tichý, D. Tissue, M. G. Tjoelker, D. Y. P. Tng, J. Tobias, P. Török, T. Tarin, J. M. Torres-Ruiz, B. Tóthmérész, M. Treurnicht, V. Trivellone, F. Trolliet, V. Trotsiuk, J. L. Tsakalos, I. Tsiripidis, N. Tysklind, T. Umehara, V. Usoltsev, M. Vadeboncoeur, J. Vaezi, F. Valladares, J. Vamosi, P. M. van Bodegom, M. van Breugel, E. Van Cleemput, M. van de Weg, S. van der Merwe, F. van der Plas, M. T. van der Sande, M. van Kleunen, K. Van Meerbeek, M. Vanderwel, K. A. Vanselow, A. Vårhammar, L. Varone, M. Y. Vasquez Valderrama, K. Vassilev, M. Vellend, E. J. Veneklaas, H. Verbeeck, K. Verheyen, A. Vibrans, I. Vieira, J. Villacís, C. Violle, P. Vivek, K. Wagner, M. Waldram, A. Waldron, A. P. Walker, M. Waller, G. Walther, H. Wang, F. Wang, W. Wang, H. Watkins, J. Watkins, U. Weber, J. T. Weedon, L. Wei, P. Weigelt, E. Weiher, A. W. Wells, C. Wellstein, E. Wenk, M. Westoby, A. Westwood, P. J. White, M. Whitten, M. Williams, D. E. Winkler, K. Winter, C. Womack, I. J. Wright, S. J. Wright, J. Wright, B. X. Pinho, F. Ximenes, T. Yamada, K. Yamaji, R. Yanai, N. Yankov, B. Yguel, K. J. Zanini, A. E. Zanne, D. Zelený, Y. P. Zhao, J. Zheng, J. Zheng, K. Ziemińska, C. R. Zirbel, G. Zizka, I. C. Zo-Bi, G. Zotz, and C. Wirth. 2020. “TRY Plant Trait Database – Enhanced Coverage and Open Access.” Global Change Biology 26(1):119–88. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14904.
Koler-Povh, T., P. Južnič, and G. Turk. 2014. “Impact of Open Access on Citation of Scholarly Publications in the Field of Civil Engineering.” Scientometrics 98(2):1033–45. doi: 10.1007/s11192-013-1101-x.
Ojsteršek, M., J. Brezovnik, M. Kotar, M. Ferme, G. Hrovat, A. Bregant, and M. Borovič. 2014. “Establishing of a Slovenian Open Access Infrastructure: A Technical Point of View.” Program 48(4):394–412. doi: 10.1108/PROG-02-2014-0005.
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Štebe, J. 2012. “Responsibility for Research Data Quality in Open Access: A Slovenian Case.” Pp. 401–2 in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries.
Turk, A. 2010. “Open Access in Medical Publishing [Odprti Dostop v Medicinskem Publiciranju].” Zdravniski Vestnik 79(9):638–42.
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