The University of Puerto Rico has registered its institutional repository ( Repositorio Digital de la Universidad de Puerto Rico ) in ROAR and in OpenDOAR . In 2010, the Faculty of Law of the University, issued an open access policy for the Faculty output. No mandates from Puerto Rico are registered in ROARMAP as of March 2021.
The open access journals published by the University of Puerto Rico are invited to join an OJS platform in the UPR Journal Portal . As of March 2021 , open access journals from Puerto Rico are registered in DOAJ (4 journals ). A study ( Open Access Indicators and Scholarly Communications in Latin America) shows that, as of 2014 , 1.83% (99) OA journals indexed in Latindex and 0.57% (4) OA journals indexed in RedALyC are published in Puerto Rico. The national focal point of Latindex is the University of Puerto Rico .
Enabling Environment
Together with other countries of the region, Puerto Rico also participates in open access regional subject repositories, today with a growing number of records with full-texts, examples: health ( BVS ), science ( PERIÓDICA ), public management and policies ( CLAD-SIARE ), social sciences ( CLACSO , FLACSO , CLASE ), work (LABORDOC), information science ( E-Lis ), among others.
Creative Commons Puerto Rico promotes the use of open access licenses, and the University of Puerto Rico has adopted one of those licenses.
5-8 March 2013: 30 experts and Policy specialists from 25 countries including Belize; Virgin Islands; St Vincent and Grenadines; St Kitts and Nevis and St Martin; Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Guatemala; Uruguay and Mexico gathered in Kingston to develop strategies and a road map to implement open access policies in the Latin American and Caribbean Region . This was the first regional consultation on open access to scientific information and research organized by the UNESCO Kingston Cluster office in collaboration with the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Ministry of Information, Government of Jamaica, University of West Indies and UNESCO National Commission for Jamaica. Workshop participants had the opportunity to contribute towards highlighting priority areas for intervention to achieve “Openness” in the region and individual countries. Participants reviewed the UNESCO OA policy templates and worked out specific policies for their own country/institution.
Key Organizations
The Agriculture Digital Repository ( Repositorio Digital Agrícola ) is a large collection of open access full-texts from the University.
The University of Puerto Rico is also contributing contents in The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC), established in 2004, an open access cooperative, multilingual and multi-institutional digitization project of partners within the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean that provides users with access to Caribbean cultural, historical and research materials held in archives, libraries, and private collections. And the University runs the Biblioteca Digital Puertorriqueña , a digital repository of images and texts related to the history and culture of Puerto Rico.
Events and Programs
The International Open Access Week has been celebrated annually in Puerto Rico. Celebrations in 2014 included:
- Let's Talk About It... Demystifying Open Access", October 21, 2020 from 4pm to 5:30pm – Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, Organized by Graduate Research and Innovation Center - UPRM | Type: web, talk
- Acceso Abierto y su Impacto en Bibliotecas / Open Access and its Impact on Libraries October 20, 2015 from 5pm to 8pm – Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Organized by Luisa Vigo-Cepeda | Type: conversatory
- Indice para el Desarrollo Humano de Puerto Rico / Index for Human Development in Puerto Rico October 22, 2015 from 2:30pm to 4pm – Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Organized by Ketty Rodríguez-Casillas (BCBI-UPR), Luisa Vigo-Cepeda (EGCTI-UPR) | Type: conference
- Conference " Libraries in the Ecosystem of Scientific Publishing: Open Access Publications and Research Facts " held on 22 October, 2014. The conference was organized by Graduate School of Sciences and Technologies of the Information Program of Continuing Education and Professional Development, in conjunction with the Library of Library Science and Informatics, University of Puerto Rico
- “Vision, Implementation and Future of Open Access at the Government of Puerto Rico October 21, 2014 from 10am to 12pm – Conference Hall, Jose M. Lazaro Library, University of Puerto Rico, October 21, 2014, Puerto Rico. Organized by Graduate School of Information Sciences, Continuing Education & Professional Development Program, UPR, and the Virtual Health Library of Puerto Rico
- Rodriguez-Martinez, M., E. O’Neill, M. Perez, F. Andrade, W. Rivera, A. Irizarry, R. Rodriguez-Solis, C. Ortiz, and E. Lugo. 2017. “A Case for Open Access Smart Grids (OASIS).” Pp. 174–79 in 2016 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, SusTech 2016 .
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