
The National Science and Technology Council (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología-CONACYT), together with CUDI (Corporación Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet-CUDI) and other organizations and universities from México, have developed the National Consortium of Scientific and Technological Information Resources (Consorcio Nacional de Recursos de Información Científica y Tecnológica) that contributes to improve quality and open access to peer-review journals from México. Mexico has 161 open access journals in DOAJ as of March 2021. Mexico has four open access mandates in ROARMAP.

A study (Open Access Indicators and Scholarly Communications in Latin America) shows that, as of 2014, 14.92% (807) OA journals indexed in Latindex; 24.50% (171) OA journals indexed in RedALyC and 13.04% (117) OA journals indexed in SciELO are published in Mexico.

Enabling Environment

The National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM) has played a leading role in developing programs to give visibility and open access to journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, with LATINDEX, CLASE, PERIODICA, and now has joined Scielo.  These regional open access initiatives complement UNAM´s own developments to provide visibility and open access to UNAM scientific and academic output, examples: UNAM e-journals OJS portal (with open access to 53 journals), RAD-UNAM (harvesting 6 institutional repositories from UNAM), REPOSITAL (UNAM open education resources), HUMANINDEX (social science and humanities harvester), among other. UNAM-Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas(CUIB) has also organized several open access events, the 2011 Open Access Colloquium together with IFLA-LAC (Coloquio Acceso Abierto a la Información en las Bibliotecas Académicas de América Latina y el Caribe).

Also a major player in regional open access is the Autonomous University of Mexico State (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México-UAEM) that has developed Redalyc with the aim of contributing to visibility and accessibility of scientific journals from Iberoamerica.  It includes 169 full-text journals from Mexico. Editors receive indexing services, and bibliometric and scientometric indicators.  AmeliCA is a communication infrastructure for scholarly publishing and open science. Sustained cooperatively, AmeliCA is an initiative, a byproduct of Redalyc’s (Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal) established in 2018.

In Mexico 201 journals are using OJS open source software and provide open access to the full-text articles.

Example of subject open access journal portals is Artemisa en Línea with 57 full-text health Mexican journals. Also in health, NECOBELAC and the University of Guadalajara, have organized training for open access journal editors and authors, in 2011.

Using OpenDOAR 50 (as of March 2021) OA digital repositories were identified from universities and other research and teaching institutions, mainly for thesis, journal articles, learning objects, conference papers and multimedia.

Key Organizations

The Open Network of Digital Libraries (Red Abierta de Bibliotecas Digitales-RABID) has a project of a Mexican network of institutional repositories (Red Federada de Repositorios Institucionales de RABID) to work together with CUDI-Corporación Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet and with Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología-CONACYT, which are both the national focal points of RedCLARA in México, and national focal points of the Latin America Network of Institutional Repositories National Systems (Red Federada Latinoamericana de Repositorios Institucionales de Documentación Científica). Mexico has also members in CoLaBoRa, the Latin America Community of Digital Libraries and Repositories.

The University of Colima, with support from the Unesco Caribbean Office, is responsible for the INFOLAC Portal to generate and share knowledge among librarians, documentalists and information managers in the region to contribute to building the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) has the University of the Americas (Universidad de las Americas, Puebla) as a member from Mexico. And few Mexican universities have thesis in Cybertesis. Other universities deposit their thesis in their institutional repositories, when available.

Together with other countries of the region, Mexico participates in open access subject repositories, today with a growing number of records with full-texts, examples: health (BVS), agriculture (SIDALC), science (PERIÓDICA), education (Relpe), public management and policies (CLAD-SIARE), social sciences (CLACSO, FLACSO, CLASE), marine science (OceanDocs), work (LABORDOC), information science (E-Lis), among others.

Creative Commons in Mexico promotes the use of open access licenses in Mexico.

Events and Programs

  • México: Panel El conocimiento como bien común: acceso abierto a las ciencias sociales de América Latina y el Caribe. En: VI Conferencia Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Ciencias Sociales CLACSO-UNESCO, November 9, 2012 from 11:30am to 1:30pm – Centro de Convenciones - Hilton México City Reforma [Sala Orlando Fals Borda], Mexico, Organized by Dominique Babini CLACSO - Eduardo Aguado REDALYC-UAEM, Type: conference, panel, (free, access)

  • Elementos para el desarrollo de repositorios institucionales., October 15, 2018 from 9am to 2:30pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Dr. Filiberto Felipe Martínez Arellano; Dr. Miguel A. Guajardo Mendoza, Type: taller, para, el, desarrollo, de, repositorios, institucionales.

  • Open Access Week Redalyc UAEM, October 19, 2015 from 11am to 12pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Redalyc, Type: webinar

  • Wikieducación: abrir con propósito, October 19, 2020 from 12pm to 1pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Wikimedia México (WMMX), Type: webinar

  • Ciencia en línea: material de acceso abierto para bachillerato, October 21, 2020 from 12pm to 1pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by CUAIEED · B@UNAM y MOOC, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Type: webinar

  • Launching of Spanish Website of DOAJ, October 22, 2012 all day – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Arianna Becerril García, Type: website, launching

  • Derechos de autor en la Sociedad del conocimiento, October 22, 2015 from 9am to 11am – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Seminario Internacional Escenarios 2020 - CUAED - UNAM, Type: panel, expertos

  • AmeliCA, una apuesta colaborativa para la preservación del conocimiento científico como un bien común, October 22, 2019 from 12pm to 12:45pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Arianna Becerril García, Type: conference

  • Los mooc me han seducido: confesiones de estudiantes y maestros, October 22, 2020 from 12pm to 1pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by CUAIEED · B@UNAM y MOOC, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Type: programa

  • #JuevesWiki, October 22, 2020 all day – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by WMMX, Type: wikievento

  • Mesa Redonda: Revistas de Acceso Abierto en America Latina, October 23, 2015 from 5pm to 6pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Jorge Octavio Ruiz Vaca, Type: confeerence

  • Mesa Redonda: Revistas de Acceso Abierto en América Latina, October 23, 2015 from 5pm to 6pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Filiberto Felipe Martínez Arellano, Type: conferencia

  • Lluís Angalda: Difícil panorama del acceso abierto en el contexto de la ciencia abierta, October 23, 2017 from 11am to 12pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Toda la UNAM en Línea, Type: video, conferencia

  • Recursos de acceso abierto para la investigación, October 23, 2020 from 1pm to 3pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Trini Monroy, Type: conferencia

  • El rol docente del médico residente, October 23, 2020 from 12pm to 1pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by CUAIEED · B@UNAM y MOOC, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Type: webinar

  • Miradas abiertas con propósito · #MiradasConEneas, October 23, 2020 all day – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Wikimedia México (WMMX), Type: entrevista

  • Conferencia: "Revistas de Acceso Abierto en América Latina", October 24, 2016 from 5pm to 7pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación, UNAM, Type: conference

  • Mesa redonda: “Las publicaciones de acceso abierto en las instituciones de educación superior en México”, October 24, 2016 from 5pm to 7pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación, UNAM, Type: panel, session

  • Publicación de ScienceComic-CómicaCiencia, October 24, 2017 from 11am to 7pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Redalyc-UAEM y CLACSO, Type: publicación

  • Patricia Muñoz: LA Referencia a cinco años de operación, October 24, 2017 from 11am to 12pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Toda la UNAM en Línea, Type: video, conferencia

  • Presentación de software para la importación/exportación de Marcalyc/AmeliCA XML al OJS, October 24, 2019 from 11am to 12pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Arianna Becerril García, Type: webinar

  • WikiUNAM 2019, October 24, 2019 from 9am to 5pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Jackeline, Type: editatón

  • Redalyc 15 años. Fin de un ciclo, inicio de otro., October 25, 2017 from 11am to 1pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Redalyc, Type: webinar

  • Podemos hacerlo mejor: Estrategias de posicionamiento de revistas de Acceso abierto en ciencia de corriente principal, October 26, 2016 from 1pm to 2pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by DOAJ & Aprender3C, Type: webinar

  • What is Open Science?', October 26, 2016 from 6pm to 8pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Ivonne Lujano, Type: presentation

  • Proyectos innovadores de alto impacto para la región de América Latina, October 26, 2016 from 10am to 12:30pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Joel Torres, Type: presentación, de, innovaciones, tecnológicas

  • Bianca Amaro: Protección de derechos de autor y uso de licencias Creative Commons, October 26, 2017 from 11am to 12pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Toda la UNAM en Línea, Type: video, conferencia

  • Acceso Abierto en la UAEM, October 27, 2017 from 10pm to 11pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Arianna Becerril García, Type: conferencia

  • Adolfo Rodríguez-Gallardo: Redes de colaboración científica en el marco de la ciencia abierta, October 27, 2017 from 11am to 12pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Toda la UNAM en Línea, Type: video, conferencia

  • Conoce la Estrategia de Acceso Abierto en México, October 28, 2016 from 10am to 6pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología México

  • Mesa redonda: El #AccesoAbierto en Acción, October 28, 2016 from 12pm to 1pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información, UNAM, Type: panel, session

  • Editemos Wikipedia: Open in Action, October 28, 2016 from 5pm to 7:30pm – Mexico, Mexico, Organized by CODEIC-UNAM

5-8 March 2013: 30 experts and Policy specialists from 25 countries including Belize; Virgin Islands; St Vincent and Grenadines; St Kitts and Nevis and St Martin; Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Guatemala; Uruguay and Mexico gathered in Kingston to develop strategies and a road map to implement open access policies in the Latin American and Caribbean Region. This was the first regional consultation on open access to scientific information and research organized by the UNESCO Kingston Cluster office in collaboration with Ministry of Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Ministry of Information, Government of Jamaica, University of West Indies and UNESCO National Commission for Jamaica. Workshop participants had the opportunity to contribute towards highlighting priority areas for intervention to achieve “Openness” in the region and individual countries. Participants reviewed the UNESCO OA policy templates and worked out specific policies for their own country/institution.


     Albores-Gallo, L., J. A. López-Figueroa, O. Náfate-López, C. Hilton, Y. Flores-Rodríguez, and J. Moreno-López. 2016. “Psychometric Properties of VEAN-Hi (Valoración Del Espectro Autista Para Hispanos), Autism Spectrum Assessment for Hispanic Children (ASA-HiCh) A Free Open Access Instrument.” Neuropsychiatry 6(3):88–95. doi: 10.4172/Neuropsychiatry.1000126.

     Appel, A. L., I. Lujano, and S. Albagli. 2020. “Open Science Practices Adopted by Latin American & Caribbean Open Access Journals.” in 22nd International Conference on Electronic Publishing - Connecting the Knowledge Commons: From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure, ELPUB 2018.

     Arce-Ibarra, A. M., J. C. Seijo, M. Headley, K. Infante-Ramírez, and R. Villanueva-Poot. 2017. Rights-Based Coastal Ecosystem Use and Management: From Open Access to Community-Managed Access Rights.

     Ávila, J. A. V. 2007. “Open Access to the Electronic Scientific Publications: An Analysis of the Benefits and Opportunities [Acceso Abierto a Las Publicaciones Científicas Electrónicas: Un Análisis de Los Beneficios y Oportunidades].” Salud Publica de Mexico 49(SPECIAL EDITION 1).

     Becerril-García, A., and E. Aguado-López. 2020. “The End of a Centralized Open Access Project and the Beginning of a Community-Based Sustainable Infrastructure for Latin America: Redalyc.Org after Fifteen Years.” in 22nd International Conference on Electronic Publishing - Connecting the Knowledge Commons: From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure, ELPUB 2018.

     Courty, L. G., J. C. Soriano-Monzalvo, and A. Pedrozo-Acuña. 2019. “Evaluation of Open-Access Global Digital Elevation Models (AW3D30, SRTM, and ASTER) for Flood Modelling Purposes.” Journal of Flood Risk Management 12(S1). doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12550.

     Francisco, J. G. P., L. I. G. Pérez, and M. S. R. Montoya. 2016. “Discovery Tools for Open Access Repositories: A Literature Mapping.” Pp. 299–305 in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Vols. 02-04-November-2016.

     Galina, I., and J. Giménez. 2008. “An Overview of the Development of Open Access Journals and Repositories in Mexico.” Pp. 280–87 in Open Scholarship: Authority, Community, and Sustainability in the Age of Web 2.0 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, ELPUB 2008.

     Gallardo, A. R. 2007. “Open Access and Academic Libraries [Acceso Abierto y Bibliotecas Académicas].” Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecologia 30(1):93–104.

     Gallardo, A. R. 2008. “Foundational Elements for Open Access [Elementos Que Fundamentan El Acceso Abierto].” Investigacion Bibliotecologica 22(44):161–82.

     Gonzalez-Galarza, F. F., A. McCabe, E. J. M. D. Santos, J. Jones, L. Takeshita, N. D. Ortega-Rivera, G. M. D. Cid-Pavon, K. Ramsbottom, G. Ghattaoraya, A. Alfirevic, D. Middleton, and A. R. Jones. 2020. “Allele Frequency Net Database (AFND) 2020 Update: Gold-Standard Data Classification, Open Access Genotype Data and New Query Tools.” Nucleic Acids Research 48(D1):D783–88. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz1029.

     Haungs, A., D. Kang, S. Schoo, D. Wochele, J. Wochele, W. D. Apel, J. C. Arteaga-Velázquez, K. Bekk, M. Bertaina, J. Blümer, H. Bozdog, I. M. Brancus, E. Cantoni, A. Chiavassa, F. Cossavella, K. Daumiller, V. de Souza, F. Di Pierro, P. Doll, R. Engel, B. Fuchs, D. Fuhrmann, A. Gherghel-Lascu, H. J. Gils, R. Glasstetter, C. Grupen, D. Heck, J. R. Hörandel, T. Huege, K. H. Kampert, H. O. Klages, K. Link, P. Łuczak, H. J. Mathes, H. J. Mayer, J. Milke, B. Mitrica, C. Morello, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, M. Petcu, T. Pierog, H. Rebel, M. Roth, H. Schieler, F. G. Schröder, O. Sima, G. Toma, G. C. Trinchero, H. Ulrich, A. Weindl, and J. Zabierowski. 2018. “The KASCADE Cosmic-Ray Data Centre KCDC: Granting Open Access to Astroparticle Physics Research Data.” European Physical Journal C 78(9). doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-6221-2.

     Kattge, J., G. Bönisch, S. Díaz, S. Lavorel, I. C. Prentice, P. Leadley, S. Tautenhahn, G. D. A. Werner, T. Aakala, M. Abedi, A. T. R. Acosta, G. C. Adamidis, K. Adamson, M. Aiba, C. H. Albert, J. M. Alcántara, C. Alcázar C, I. Aleixo, H. Ali, B. Amiaud, C. Ammer, M. M. Amoroso, M. Anand, C. Anderson, N. Anten, J. Antos, D. M. G. Apgaua, T. L. Ashman, D. H. Asmara, G. P. Asner, M. Aspinwall, O. Atkin, I. Aubin, L. Baastrup-Spohr, K. Bahalkeh, M. Bahn, T. Baker, W. J. Baker, J. P. Bakker, D. Baldocchi, J. Baltzer, A. Banerjee, A. Baranger, J. Barlow, D. R. Barneche, Z. Baruch, D. Bastianelli, J. Battles, W. Bauerle, M. Bauters, E. Bazzato, M. Beckmann, H. Beeckman, C. Beierkuhnlein, R. Bekker, G. Belfry, M. Belluau, M. Beloiu, R. Benavides, L. Benomar, M. L. Berdugo-Lattke, E. Berenguer, R. Bergamin, J. Bergmann, M. Bergmann Carlucci, L. Berner, M. Bernhardt-Römermann, C. Bigler, A. D. Bjorkman, C. Blackman, C. Blanco, B. Blonder, D. Blumenthal, K. T. Bocanegra-González, P. Boeckx, S. Bohlman, K. Böhning-Gaese, L. Boisvert-Marsh, W. Bond, B. Bond-Lamberty, A. Boom, C. C. F. Boonman, K. Bordin, E. H. Boughton, V. Boukili, D. M. J. S. Bowman, S. Bravo, M. R. Brendel, M. R. Broadley, K. A. Brown, H. Bruelheide, F. Brumnich, H. H. Bruun, D. Bruy, S. W. Buchanan, S. F. Bucher, N. Buchmann, R. Buitenwerf, D. E. Bunker, J. Bürger, S. Burrascano, D. F. R. P. Burslem, B. J. Butterfield, C. Byun, M. Marques, M. C. Scalon, M. Caccianiga, M. Cadotte, M. Cailleret, J. Camac, J. J. Camarero, C. Campany, G. Campetella, J. A. Campos, L. Cano-Arboleda, R. Canullo, M. Carbognani, F. Carvalho, F. Casanoves, B. Castagneyrol, J. A. Catford, J. Cavender-Bares, B. E. L. Cerabolini, M. Cervellini, E. Chacón-Madrigal, K. Chapin, F. S. Chapin, S. Chelli, S. C. Chen, A. Chen, P. Cherubini, F. Chianucci, B. Choat, K. S. Chung, M. Chytrý, D. Ciccarelli, L. Coll, C. G. Collins, L. Conti, D. Coomes, J. H. C. Cornelissen, W. K. Cornwell, P. Corona, M. Coyea, J. Craine, D. Craven, J. P. G. M. Cromsigt, A. Csecserits, K. Cufar, M. Cuntz, A. C. da Silva, K. M. Dahlin, M. Dainese, I. Dalke, M. Dalle Fratte, A. T. Dang-Le, J. Danihelka, M. Dannoura, S. Dawson, A. J. de Beer, A. De Frutos, J. R. De Long, B. Dechant, S. Delagrange, N. Delpierre, G. Derroire, A. S. Dias, M. H. Diaz-Toribio, P. G. Dimitrakopoulos, M. Dobrowolski, D. Doktor, P. Dřevojan, N. Dong, J. Dransfield, S. Dressler, L. Duarte, E. Ducouret, S. Dullinger, W. Durka, R. Duursma, O. Dymova, A. E-Vojtkó, R. L. Eckstein, H. Ejtehadi, J. Elser, T. Emilio, K. Engemann, M. B. Erfanian, A. Erfmeier, A. Esquivel-Muelbert, G. Esser, M. Estiarte, T. F. Domingues, W. F. Fagan, J. Fagúndez, D. S. Falster, Y. Fan, J. Fang, E. Farris, F. Fazlioglu, Y. Feng, F. Fernandez-Mendez, C. Ferrara, J. Ferreira, A. Fidelis, B. Finegan, J. Firn, T. J. Flowers, D. F. B. Flynn, V. Fontana, E. Forey, C. Forgiarini, L. François, M. Frangipani, D. Frank, C. Frenette-Dussault, G. T. Freschet, E. L. Fry, N. M. Fyllas, G. G. Mazzochini, S. Gachet, R. Gallagher, G. Ganade, F. Ganga, P. García-Palacios, V. Gargaglione, E. Garnier, J. L. Garrido, A. L. de Gasper, G. Gea-Izquierdo, D. Gibson, A. N. Gillison, A. Giroldo, M. C. Glasenhardt, S. Gleason, M. Gliesch, E. Goldberg, B. Göldel, E. Gonzalez-Akre, J. L. Gonzalez-Andujar, A. González-Melo, A. González-Robles, B. J. Graae, E. Granda, S. Graves, W. A. Green, T. Gregor, N. Gross, G. R. Guerin, A. Günther, A. G. Gutiérrez, L. Haddock, A. Haines, J. Hall, A. Hambuckers, W. Han, S. P. Harrison, W. Hattingh, J. E. Hawes, T. He, P. He, J. M. Heberling, A. Helm, S. Hempel, J. Hentschel, B. Hérault, A. M. Hereş, K. Herz, M. Heuertz, T. Hickler, P. Hietz, P. Higuchi, A. L. Hipp, A. Hirons, M. Hock, J. A. Hogan, K. Holl, O. Honnay, D. Hornstein, E. Hou, N. Hough-Snee, K. A. Hovstad, T. Ichie, B. Igić, E. Illa, M. Isaac, M. Ishihara, L. Ivanov, L. Ivanova, C. M. Iversen, J. Izquierdo, R. B. Jackson, B. Jackson, H. Jactel, A. M. Jagodzinski, U. Jandt, S. Jansen, T. Jenkins, A. Jentsch, J. R. P. Jespersen, G. F. Jiang, J. L. Johansen, D. Johnson, E. J. Jokela, C. A. Joly, G. J. Jordan, G. S. Joseph, D. Junaedi, R. R. Junker, E. Justes, R. Kabzems, J. Kane, Z. Kaplan, T. Kattenborn, L. Kavelenova, E. Kearsley, A. Kempel, T. Kenzo, A. Kerkhoff, M. I. Khalil, N. L. Kinlock, W. D. Kissling, K. Kitajima, T. Kitzberger, R. Kjøller, T. Klein, M. Kleyer, J. Klimešová, J. Klipel, B. Kloeppel, S. Klotz, J. M. H. Knops, T. Kohyama, F. Koike, J. Kollmann, B. Komac, K. Komatsu, C. König, N. J. B. Kraft, K. Kramer, H. Kreft, I. Kühn, D. Kumarathunge, J. Kuppler, H. Kurokawa, Y. Kurosawa, S. Kuyah, J. P. Laclau, B. Lafleur, E. Lallai, E. Lamb, A. Lamprecht, D. J. Larkin, D. Laughlin, Y. Le Bagousse-Pinguet, G. le Maire, P. C. le Roux, E. le Roux, T. Lee, F. Lens, S. L. Lewis, B. Lhotsky, Y. Li, X. Li, J. W. Lichstein, M. Liebergesell, J. Y. Lim, Y. S. Lin, J. C. Linares, C. Liu, D. Liu, U. Liu, S. Livingstone, J. Llusià, M. Lohbeck, Á. López-García, G. Lopez-Gonzalez, Z. Lososová, F. Louault, B. A. Lukács, P. Lukeš, Y. Luo, M. Lussu, S. Ma, C. Maciel Rabelo Pereira, M. Mack, V. Maire, A. Mäkelä, H. Mäkinen, A. C. M. Malhado, A. Mallik, P. Manning, S. Manzoni, Z. Marchetti, L. Marchino, V. Marcilio-Silva, E. Marcon, M. Marignani, L. Markesteijn, A. Martin, C. Martínez-Garza, J. Martínez-Vilalta, T. Mašková, K. Mason, N. Mason, T. J. Massad, J. Masse, I. Mayrose, J. McCarthy, M. L. McCormack, K. McCulloh, I. R. McFadden, B. J. McGill, M. Y. McPartland, J. S. Medeiros, B. Medlyn, P. Meerts, Z. Mehrabi, P. Meir, F. P. L. Melo, M. Mencuccini, C. Meredieu, J. Messier, I. Mészáros, J. Metsaranta, S. T. Michaletz, C. Michelaki, S. Migalina, R. Milla, J. E. D. Miller, V. Minden, R. Ming, K. Mokany, A. T. Moles, A. Molnár, J. Molofsky, M. Molz, R. A. Montgomery, A. Monty, L. Moravcová, A. Moreno-Martínez, M. Moretti, A. S. Mori, S. Mori, D. Morris, J. Morrison, L. Mucina, S. Mueller, C. D. Muir, S. C. Müller, F. Munoz, I. H. Myers-Smith, R. W. Myster, M. Nagano, S. Naidu, A. Narayanan, B. Natesan, L. Negoita, A. S. Nelson, E. L. Neuschulz, J. Ni, G. Niedrist, J. Nieto, Ü. Niinemets, R. Nolan, H. Nottebrock, Y. Nouvellon, A. Novakovskiy, K. O. Nystuen, A. O’Grady, K. O’Hara, A. O’Reilly-Nugent, S. Oakley, W. Oberhuber, T. Ohtsuka, R. Oliveira, K. Öllerer, M. E. Olson, V. Onipchenko, Y. Onoda, R. E. Onstein, J. C. Ordonez, N. Osada, I. Ostonen, G. Ottaviani, S. Otto, G. E. Overbeck, W. A. Ozinga, A. T. Pahl, C. E. T. Paine, R. J. Pakeman, A. C. Papageorgiou, E. Parfionova, M. Pärtel, M. Patacca, S. Paula, J. Paule, H. Pauli, J. G. Pausas, B. Peco, J. Penuelas, A. Perea, P. L. Peri, A. C. Petisco-Souza, A. Petraglia, A. M. Petritan, O. L. Phillips, S. Pierce, V. D. Pillar, J. Pisek, A. Pomogaybin, H. Poorter, A. Portsmuth, P. Poschlod, C. Potvin, D. Pounds, A. S. Powell, S. A. Power, A. Prinzing, G. Puglielli, P. Pyšek, V. Raevel, A. Rammig, J. Ransijn, C. A. Ray, P. B. Reich, M. Reichstein, D. E. B. Reid, M. 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