
France has been a major player in the Open Access movement, being the first country and having the first university (University of Lyon) to sign the Berlin Declaration.
As of March 2021, there are 152 Open Access repositories in France as registered in OpenDOAR, most of which are institutional. Research strategy is developed by the Ministry of Higher Education, funded by ANR. Research takes place through universities, Grand Ecoles and subject-based research organisations. There are 250+ OA journals indexed in DOAJ.
Currently, 24 OA policies are registered in ROARMAP, 18 repositories are listed in Re3Data.
Enabling Environment
The OA mandate of ANR as major research funder since 2007 provides strong support for OA in France. There is a national OA platform HAL and in addition to national OA activities, France participates in European initiatives such as DRIVER; Economists online; PEER and OpenAIRE and is a member of the consortium, SELL (Southern European Libraries).
SOS-DMP: is a directory of the services who support the writing of data management plans within universities and research organizations.
Dedicated OA website for researchers: easy to read information, FAQ on the digital Republic Law.
Doranum: dedicated website for researchers for research data: synthetic and clear information on research data.
DMP OPIDoR helps French researchers to write Data Management Plans.
Cat OPIDoR: wiki on the services dedicated to research data.
PASTEUR4OA supports the aim of encouraging the development of matching policies on Open Access and Open Data in the European Union. The project helps develop and/or reinforce Open Access strategies and policies at the national level and facilitate their coordination among all Member States. It will build a network of centres of expertise in Member States that will develop a coordinated and collaborative programme of activities in support of policy making at the national level under the direction of project partners.
The project builds on an already existing project, Mediterranean Open Access Network (MedOANet - http://www.medoanet.eu ). It will also take advantage of the experience and extensive networks of organizations such as EOS (Enabling Open Scholarship), JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee), SparcEUROPE, LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries), EIFL, as well as prominent funding organizations that participate in the consortium, to secure a European-wide engagement of bodies of authority of the Member States with the project’s aims and extend its impact beyond Member States to neighbouring Accession States.
PASTEUR4OA is an FP7 project funded by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION
HAL: An open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of published and unpublished scientific research papers and for PhD dissertation. The documents are sourced from teaching and research institutions in France and elsewhere.
OpenEdition books: 31 books have been made open access by library funding through an initiative led by OpenEdition, Knowledge Unlatched and Couperin.
There are many subject based depositories in France, often allied to educational institutions. The following is a selection representing some of the specialised digital collections available.
- Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development (CIARD): A depository for information on agricultural and veterinary sciences.
- Langue et les Textes Basques IKER: a digital library which receives and diffuses the scholarly production of international research in the field of the Basque language and typologically-related languages.
- L'Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules: an institutional repository for the 19 laboratories that make up the IN2P3 organisation.
- Medic @ Bibliothèque Numérique: A subject based repository devoted to the history of medicine, dentistry and health in France.
- Mer - Institutional Archive of Ifremer: An institutional depository for the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea and contains materials primarily related to aquaculture and fisheries.
- VizieR Catalogue Service: An open access depository of datasets on astronomy collected and gathered by Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg.
A partnership agreement in favor of open archives and shared platform HAL (Hyper Articles en Ligne) was signed by 26 institutions on April 2, 2013. It is part of the national policy on Open Access to share research results, disseminate and preservation.
National and Institutional Level Policies/Mandates
France has a national plan for the implementation of Open Science.
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
ANR is the main funding agency for research in France and requires all publications from research that is fully or partially funded by them to be deposited in OA archives “at the earliest possible opportunity”.
National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm)
Requires all funded research to deposit peer reviewed publications in OA archives within 6 months of publication.
Key Organizations
Agence Bibliographique de l‘enseignement Supérieur (ABES)
Overview: ABES is the French higher education organisation for bibliographic issues. It has been coordinating STAR, a management system of electronic theses from all French universities since 2007 and has now developed a portal for over 60 000 doctoral theses since 2001.
OA mandate: Yes. All universities deposit their theses to this centralised disseminating portal.
Communication address: ABES, 227 avenue Professeur Jean-Louis Viala, BP 84308, 34193 Montpellier Cedex 5, France ; e-mail:com(at)abes.fr
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Overview: CNRS is Europe’s major research organisation working through its 7 institutes of Biological Science, Chemistry, Ecology and Environment, Humanities and Social Sciences, Information Sciences and Technologies, Engineering and Systems Sciences, Physics and 3 national institutes: National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INSMI); National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3); National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy (INSU)/ Its aim is to encourage collaborative and interdisciplinary research.
OA mandate: Mandated through the Ministry of Research.
Communication address: CCSD, Bâtiment CC IN2P3 / CNRS, 43 bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France; e-mail: contact(at)ccsd.cnrs.fr
Overview: Academic consortium of over 200 members representing higher education institutions in France. Has a website on Open Access.
Communication address: e-mail: Studies and Prospective Department of Consortium Couperin, c/o Jean-François Lutz, Université Henri Poincaré – Nancy 1 , France; e-mail jlutz(at)scd.uhp-nancy.fr (general e-mail: couperin(at)cru.fr)
Events and Programmes
France has been and is to be, an active participant in European OA initiatives.
- OA week 2020-2021 CY : déconfinons la science, 2020-11-03, France, Organized by Ségolène Trapletti | Open Access: what we know, what we can do and some advices, 2020-10-22, France, Organized by Olivier Pourret. Type: conference
- How to create its digital researcher profile: from ORCID to HAL, 2020-10-22, France, Organized by Olivier Pourret | Type: workshop
- HAL fait sa rentrée à l’Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 2020-10-21, France, Organized by Service Commun de Documentation et la Direction de la Recherche de l'Université Bordeaux Montaigne | Type: ateliers
- Ateliers HAL et identité numérique du chercheur à l'occasion de l'Open Access Week 2020, 2020-10-20, France, Organized by | Type: ateliers
- #OAW2020 : Entretiens IdHAL, 2020-10-20, France, Organized by Nicolas Boileau | Type: entretiens, personnalisés, en, visioconférence
- International Open Access Week Archive Ouverte : SAM’suffit, 2020-10-20, France, Organized by Firouze Coursin | Type: open, acess, week, 2020
- International Open Access Week Archive Ouverte : SAM’suffit, 2020-10-20, France, Organized by Firouze Coursin | Type: open, acess, week, 2020
- Open Access Week in Sorbonne Université, 2020-10-19, France, Organized by Sorbonne Universite | Type: on-line
- Open Access Week 2020, 2020-10-19, France, Organized by Joseph Chantier - Goran Sekulovski | Type: ateliers
- Open Access Week à l'université de Haute-Alsace, 2019-11-12, France, Organized by Jehanne Ducros-Delaigue | Type: stand
- Matinée d'étude // Open Access : Quels nouveaux outils pour publier ?, 2019-11-07, France, Organized by Université Clermont Auvergne & associés | Type: matinée, d'étude, -, conférences
- oawlyon2019 : Open Access Week Lyon 2019 : Savoir ouvert, ouvert pour qui ?, 2019-11-05, France, Organized by Boudia | Type: conférence, et, ateliers
- Open Access Week à l'Ifsttar, 2019-11-04, France, Organized by IFSTTAR-Service DIST | Type: jeu/café
- café doc et dépôt-partie, 2019-10-24, France, Organized by Bibliothèque des Arts et Métiers AIX | Type: cofee, discussion, posters
- Atelier petit-déjeuner sur l'accès ouvert à la doctrine juridique, 2019-10-24, France, Organized by Bibliothèque Cujas | Type: atelier
- Journée Open Access Week, 2019-10-24, France, Organized by BEAUFRE | Type: journée, d'etude
- HAL et identité numérique des chercheurs et chercheuses, 2019-10-23, France, Organized by UPEM | Type: atelier
- Ouvert pour qui ? Équité dans le Savoir Ouvert »., 2019-10-23, France, Organized by Bibliothèque de l'Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis | Type: rencontre
- Semaine de l'accès ouvert à Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne !, 2019-10-22, France, Organized by Mission Appui à la recherche du Service commun de la documentation | Type: débat, information, assistance
- Open Access Week Sorbonne Université, 2019-10-22, France, Organized by Sorbonne Universite | Type: open, access, week
- Formation HAL et idHAL : de l'open access à l'identité numérique du chercheur, 2019-10-22, France, Organized by Alain Marois | Type: formations, et, ateliers
- "Clio@Themis et Jurisdoctoria : publier dans des revues juridiques en accès ouvert", 2019-10-22, France, Organized by Bibliothèque Cujas | Type: rencontre
- Help Gzk understand Open Archives, 2019-10-21, France, Organized by Constance COURNEDE | Type: serious, game, on, open, archives
- OA Arts et Métiers Bordeaux Talence, 2019-10-21, France, Organized by Nathalie Gascoin | Type: open, access, week
- Open Acces Week at Arts et Metiers, 2019-10-21, France, Organized by Arts et Metiers Bibliotheque Cluny | Type: coffee, discussion, posters
- Conférence "Ouvrir pour qui? La Science ouverte aux étudiant·es", 2019-10-17, France, Organized by Enrica Harranger, Dorothée Pain, Claire Lebreton | Type: conference
- Open access week 2019 Université de Cergy-Pontoise : à la poursuite de l'Open access, 2019-10-14, France, Organized by Ségolène Trapletti | Type: table, ronde, jeux, formations
- Open Access Week Université de Poitiers, 2019-10-14, France, Organized by Nicolas Pinet | Type: ateliers, jeux, formations
- Journée d'étude "Etre vu pour être lu : l'Open Access pour renforcer votre identité numérique de chercheur", 2018-11-14, France, Organized by Open Access Languedoc-Roussillon | Type: conference
- Lancement des Open Access Weeks de l'UCA, 2018-11-09, France, Organized by Université Clermont Auvergne | Type: inauguration/conférence/exposition
- Evenement IMT Atlantique sur le Libre Acces à partir du 8 novembre, 2018-11-08, France, Organized by Nathalie Fontaine et Hervé Grall | Type: présentation, et, ateliers
- L’Open Access et l’UHA, on vous dit tout !, 2018-11-06, France, Organized by Université de Haute-Alsace - Service aux chercheurs | Type: open, access, week
- Journées Open Access IMT Mines Albi - 3e édition, 2018-11-06, France, Organized by La Doc' IMT Mines Albi | Type: journées, open, access
- "Café IdhAL" : L’équipe HAL Normandie Université vient à votre rencontre !, 2018-11-06, France, Organized by Nicolas Boileau | Type: stands, itinérants
- Open access week 2018 - Université de Strasbourg, 2018-11-05, France, Organized by Héloïse GAZEAU | Type: conférence, ateliers
- Open Access et sciences humaines : quelles transformations des pratiques de recherche ?, 2018-10-26, France, Organized by Labex Les passés dans le présent | Type: tables-rondes
- HAL et identité numérique des chercheuses et chercheurs, 2018-10-25, France, Organized by UPEM | Type: atelier
- L'Open access week à l'université Bordeaux Montaigne : le livre à l'honneur, 2018-10-25, France, Organized by Service de documentation / Pôle services numériques | Type: meeting
- Open Access Week à MINES ParisTech. Pérenniser le libre accès à vos publications avec HAL, 2018-10-24, France, Organized by Bibliothèque MINES ParisTech, Université PSL | Type: rencontre
- HAL et identité numérique des chercheuses et chercheurs, 2018-10-24, France, Organized by UPEM | Type: atelier
- Sur les traces de l'Open access : l'OA week à l'Université de Cergy-Pontoise (France), 2018-10-22, France, Organized by Service à la recherche - Bibliothèque universitaire de Cergy-Pontoise | Type: conference, workshop, games, meeting, round-table
- Le futur de la science est ouvert à l'Université Paris., 2018-10-22, France, Organized by Mission appui à la recherche. Service Commun de documentation | Type: atelier
- JE Open Access à Angers #OAUA2018, 2018-10-22, France, Organized by Maxence Larrieu | Type: journée, d'étude
- Open Access Week 2018 à l'UVSQ : Chercheur·e·s, connaissez vos droits et œuvrez pour valoriser vos recherches!, 2018-10-22, France, Organized by Direction des Bibliothèques et de l'IST, UVSQ | Type: communication, rencontres
- oawlyon2018 : Bibliothèques et chercheurs : la science ouverte en commun, 2018-10-18, France, Organized by Boudia | Type: congress
- L'open Access à Paris Dauphine, 2018-10-15, France, Organized by BU Paris Dauphine | Type: exposition, exhibition, rencontres, quiz, jeux, vidéos, témoignages
- Préparez l'Open Access Week à l'Université Toulouse Capitole, 2018-10-15, France, Organized by Chrystèle Galland-Mabic | Type: micro-mooc, twitter
- En route pour l'Open Access.. Libérez vos publications, 2018-10-08, France, Organized by IFSTTAR - Service DIST | Type: communications, et, rencontres
- Echanges sur les enjeux de l'open access, 2017-10-27, France, Organized by Nathalie GARNIER ROY | Type: discussions
- oawlyon2017 : Open Access Week Lyon 2017 : L'Open Access révélateur de synergies locales, 2017-10-24, France, Organized by OAW2017 | Type: conférence, et, ateliers
- Data Incognita exhibition at the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, 2017-10-23, France, Organized by Romain Boistel | Type: exhibition
- Atelier de dépôt dans HAL, 2017-10-23, France, Organized by Delphine Cavallo | Type: workshop
- Open Access Week à l'Université Toulouse 1 Capitole: libérez vos travaux de recherche!, 2016-11-07, France, Organized by Chrystèle Galland-Mabic | Type: exposition, workshop, discussion
- Workshop Open Access, 2016-10-25, France, Organized by samuel costantin | Type: workshop
- Workshop Open Access, 2016-10-25, France, Organized by samuel costantin | Type: workshop
- Open Access Week à l'Université Paris-Saclay, 2016-10-24, France, Organized by Université Paris-Saclay | Type: ateliers, conférences
- L'open access en action : dispositifs de valorisation de la recherche 24 octobre 2016 - Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse / INRA PACA, 2016-10-24, France, Organized by Pascal Aventurier / Yves Caron | Type: presentation, workshop
- e-debate on Open Access: Issues and stakes for legal academics, 2016-10-24, France, Organized by Blogdroitreuropeen | Type: e-debate
- Enrichissez les collections de la phonothèque ! Journée collaborative, le 17 octobre 2016, 2016-10-17, France, Organized by Phonothèque de la MMSH | Type: crowdsourcing
- Open Access et évaluation de la recherche : vers un nouvel écosystème, 2016-10-13, France, Organized by Réseau Archives Ouvertes Toulouse | Type: conference/seminar
- Dissemin launch at École normale supérieure, 2015-10-22, France, Organized by Antonin Delpeuch | Type: platform, launch, call, for, an, open, access, policy
- Les revues de SHS face aux enjeux du libre-accès : validation, diffusion, usages des savoirs scientifiques, 2015-10-22, France, Organized by Bibliothèques universitaires Lyon 1, Lyon 2, Lyon 3, Diderot, INSA Lyon, Central Lyon, Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, URFIST Lyon et Université de Lyon | Type: table, ronde, ateliers
- Numérique, droit d'auteur, droits voisins et données de la recherche, 2015-10-22, France, Organized by Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Ange Guépin | Type: formation
- Launch party of the MOOC "Digital technologies and research in health and life sciences", 2015-10-19, France, Organized by Centre Virchow-Villermé de Santé Publique Paris-Berlin | Type: launch, party
- Open Access Week à l'Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2015-10-19, France, Organized by Chrystèle Galland-Mabic | Type: atelier
- 19-23 October 2015: "Open Access Trends and Open Data for the Agropolis Scientific Community" held in Montpellier, France. The conference will be held on occassion of Open Access Week 2015 with several workshops for the Agropolis scientific community in the fields of agriculture, food, biodiversity and environment.
- June 2015: Open access and research data management in H2020. This was a FOSTER-supported training programme organized in partnership with EIFL with the aim of setting in place sustainable mechanisms for EU researchers to Foster Open Science. This was one of the 24 training programmes organized in 2015 for the the research communities of 17 other EU countries.
- April 2015: UNESCO- FOSTER Open Science Workshop for Doctoral Schools. This was a two-day workshop which was co-organized by UNESCO and FOSTER.
- 27 March 2015: Third Open Access Colloquium: Conference de John Willinsky, Stanford University held at l'École normale supérieure (ENS-Paris). The talk addressed various models of open access, how to assess these models and the current and conflicted state of scholarly publishing today.
- 12- 13 March 2015: Open Access Scientific Revolution for the South; Paris, France.
- 12 March 2015: International Conference "Open Access and the South"; Paris, France.
- 5 March 2015: New Forms of Business Intelligence in the Service of Scientific Research; Paris, france.
- February 2015: Open Science and Citizenship: Back on the SenseCamp 2015. The event consisted of meetings, workshops and conferences which explored the interlink between Open Science and Open Citizenship. The idea was to reflect on the economic model of open science in relation to citizenship.
- 15 October 2014: Open Access: the Right Platforms and Open Science; Paris, France.
- 13 October 2014: Open Access and New Models of Publications; Paris, France.
- 17-19 September 2014: 6th Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing; Paris, France
- 25-26 August 2014: DataCite Annual Conference 2014; INIST-CNRS, Nancy, France.
- 8 July 2014: Collaborative Workshop Annotations Open Access Publications; held in Nancy, France
- 2-3 July 2014: Present and Future of Scientific Publications
- 17 June 2014: Open Science: Sustainable Movement or Passing Fad?
- 03 June 2014: EBOOK AND OPEN ACCESS; held in Paris, France.
- 07 February 2014: 23rd Medical Ethics Day in partnership with Maurice Rapin ROCHE; held in Paris, France.
- 24-25 January 2014: Couperin Open Access Days held in Paris, France.
- 20-21 October, 2010: "Open Access for Earth and Climate Scientists"; The training aimed to make climate-related research & data more transparent and accessible to society & stakeholders. The training focused on the real open access pointers for authors: visibility, use of research, and more citations. The event was organized by Organized By: Ivo Grigorov (CNRS), Catherine Bertignac (UBO) and Dominique Gac (UBO)). Held in Brest, France and globally online
- Alessandrini, M., B. Chakraborty, B. Heyde, O. Bernard, M. De Craene, M. Sermesant, and J. D’Hooge. 2018. “Realistic Vendor-Specific Synthetic Ultrasound Data for Quality Assurance of 2-D Speckle Tracking Echocardiography: Simulation Pipeline and Open Access Database.” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 65(3):411–22. doi: 10.1109/TUFFC.2017.2786300.
- Alessandrini, M., M. De Craene, O. Bernard, S. Giffard-Roisin, P. Allain, I. Waechter-Stehle, J. Weese, E. Saloux, H. Delingette, M. Sermesant, and J. D’hooge. 2015. “A Pipeline for the Generation of Realistic 3D Synthetic Echocardiographic Sequences: Methodology and Open-Access Database.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 34(7):1436–51. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2015.2396632.
- Alizon, S. 2018. “Inexpensive Research in the Golden Open-Access Era.” Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33(5):301–3. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2018.02.005.
- André, F et.al (2010). “Open access in France”. In: Anglada, L and Abadal, E (eds). Open access in Southern European countries. Madrid: FECYT, p. 15-37.
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- Baruch, P. 2007. “Open Access Developments in France: The HAL Open Archives System.” Learned Publishing 20(4):267–82. doi: 10.1087/095315107X239636.
- Baruch, Y., A. Ghobadian, and M. Özbilgin. 2013. “Open Access - the Wrong Response to a Complex Question: The Case of the Finch Report.” British Journal of Management 24(2):147–55. doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.12016.
- Bayry, J. 2013. “Journals: Open-Access Boom in Developing Nations.” Nature 497(7447):40. doi: 10.1038/497040e.
- Beaudouin-Lafon, M. 2010. “Open Access to Scientific Publications.” Communications of the ACM 53(2):32–34. doi: 10.1145/1646353.1646367.
- Beckensteiner, J., A. M. Scheld, M. Fernández, and D. M. Kaplan. 2020. “Drivers and Trends in Catch of Benthic Resources in Chilean TURFs and Surrounding Open Access Areas.” Ocean and Coastal Management 183. doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.104961.
- Beninger, P. G., J. Beall, and S. E. Shumway. 2016. “Debasing the Currency of Science: The Growing Menace of Predatory Open Access Journals.” Journal of Shellfish Research 35(1):1–5. doi: 10.2983/035.035.0101.
- Beyers, N., M. Chan-Yeung, and C. Pierard. 2006. “The IJTLD: Open Access in 2005.” International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 10(1):2.
- Blattmann, U., and R. N. M. Dos Santos. 2014. “Brazilian Journals and That Visibility in Open Access [Revistas Científicas Brasileiras e Sua Visibilidade No Acesso Aberto].” Informacao e Sociedade 24(3):99–106.
- Blinder, D., A. Ahar, A. Symeonidou, Y. Xing, T. Bruylants, C. Schreites, B. Pesquet-Popescu, F. Dufaux, A. Munteanu, and P. Schelkens. 2015. “Open Access Database for Experimental Validations of Holographic Compression Engines.” in 2015 7th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience, QoMEX 2015.
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- Bouche, T., E. Miot, and C. Vaudaine. 2020. “The Launch of Centre Mersenne, a Technical Infrastructure to Support the Move towards Diamond Open Access.” in 22nd International Conference on Electronic Publishing - Connecting the Knowledge Commons: From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure, ELPUB 2018.
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