Open Access is gaining momentum in Canada, with ongoing and emerging initiatives in the areas of funders’ mandates, OA publishing, and repositories.
As of March 2021, OpenDOAR lists 96 Canadian OA repositories, the majority of which are hosted by universities or research institutions. DOAJ indexes 177 Canadian OA journals. The 2013 study by Science-Metrix estimated OA availability of articles at 49% for Canada.
Currently, ROARMAP registers 30 OA policies.
Enabling Environment
The Berlin Declaration has been signed by 11 Canadian organizations, including six institutions, one research funder (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) and other organizations including library associations and the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Canada has signed the 2013 G8 Science Ministers Statement that includes a statement on “Expanding Access to Scientific Research Results”.
National research funding agencies:
- The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has had an OA policy in place since 2008, requiring researchers to make their peer-reviewed publications accessible within 12 months. The current policy was revised and became mandatory in December 2012.
- The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) has had an OA policy since 2006 focused on awareness-raising, education and promotion.
- The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has endorsed the Global Research Council Action Plan towards Open Access to Publications (2013).
- November 2013: NSERC and SSHRC are currently holding public consultations on a draft Tri-Agency Open Access Policy that would require federally funded peer-reviewed journal publications to be made freely available within one year of publication. The draft policy is modeled after the CIHR Open Access Policy, which remains unchanged and continues to be mandatory.
- CIHR, SSHRC and NSERC consider the cost of publishing in open access journals to be an eligible use of grant funds.
SSHRC offers financial support for scholarly journals, including OA journals, through its Aid to Scholarly Journals funding opportunity.
The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) maintains a list of institutional repositories in Canada (currently listing 71). There are approximately 96 universities in Canada. Some institutions and other organizations are collaborating to create regional or other collective OA repositories; thus a majority of university-based researchers in Canada, including those in smaller institutions, have access to OA repositories for journal articles.
The CARL website also lists 14 member libraries that provide author funds for OA. University libraries are active in raising awareness of OA and organized numerous events during Open Access Week.
National and Institutional Level Policies/Mandates
Open Access Policy for IDRC-Funded Project Outputs
IDRC’s open access policy is based on the belief that full social and economic benefits of research in support of development should be available to everyone who could use it – and build on it – to improve people’s lives. The policy applies to all outputs resulting from proposals received after the policy took effect on July 20, 2015.
In February 2015, Canadian Institutes of Health Research(CIHR), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) unveiled a harmonized Open Access policy. It is modeled after the CIHR OA policy which has been in effect since 2008.
There are 11 other funders’ mandates in Canada requiring the deposit of outcomes and publications in OA repositories or OA journals arising from research they have supported:
- Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance (CBCRA)
- Canadian Cancer Society (CCS)
- Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF)
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research(CIHR)
- Fonds de la recherché en santé de Quebec (FRSQ)
- Genome Canada
- Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSF)
- International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
- Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR)
- National Research Council Canada (NRC)
- Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OCR)
Potential Barriers:
Not all major research funders have OA policies. Absence of a national central repository or infrastructure that would harvest metadata records from the network of institutional and other repositories. Lack of appropriate systems to enable tracking and reporting of statistics on research outputs and OA.
Insufficient awareness and understanding of OA amongst individual researchers, in particular regarding institutional repositories, the option of self-archiving, and copyright issues.
Concerns about costs of Gold OA. Concerns about the impact of OA on scholarly society journals and small, non-profit publishers.
Key Organizations
Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL)
Federal Research Funding Organizations:
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
Public Knowledge Project
The Public Knowledge Project is dedicated to improving the scholarly and public quality of research. It operates through a partnership among the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia, the Simon Fraser University Library, the School of Education at Stanford University, and the Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing at Simon Fraser University. The partnership brings together faculty members, librarians, and graduate students dedicated to exploring whether and how new technologies can be used to improve the professional and public value of scholarly research. A major part of PKP work focuses on open source software and tools that support OA to information.
Open Data (data.gc.ca)
Building on the successful open data pilot launched in 2011, the Government of Canada’s next-generation open data portal was launched in June 2013. Open Data is about offering government data in machine readable formats to enable citizens, the private sector, and non-government organizations to leverage it in innovative and value-added ways.
The Open Data Pilot is part of the Government of Canada's commitment to open government, which is being pursued along three streams: open data, open information and open dialogue, and aims to drive innovation and economic opportunities for all Canadians.
Thematic repositories:
- CIHR is partnering with the National Research Council’s Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information and the U.S. National Library of Medicine to support PubMed Central Canada, an online archive for peer-reviewed health and life sciences research publications. It builds on PubMed Central (PMC), the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature
- International Development Research Centre (IDRC): IDRC Digital Library provides the international research community with access to a current and comprehensive collection of research results and documents generated by IDRC-funded projects, IDRC funding recipients, and IDRC staff about a wide range of subjects related to international development.
- Library and Archives Canada: A multimedia digital collection of the documentary heritage of all Canadians. A national treasure of inestimable value, it spans the entire history of Canada, and comprises materials in all media from all parts of the country, as well as records and publications of Canadian interest from outside the country
Thematic Open Access projects/Initiatives:
In addition to the specialised depositories of the health organisations (see Funders’ Mandates above) the following have developed thematic repositories:
International Development Research Centre (IDRC): IDRC Digital Library provides the international research community with access to a current and comprehensive collection of research results and documents generated by IDRC-funded projects, IDRC funding recipients, and IDRC staff about a wide range of subjects related to international development.
Library and Archives Canada: A multimedia digital collection of the documentary heritage of all Canadians. A national treasure of inestimable value, it spans the entire history of Canada, and comprises materials in all media from all parts of the country, as well as records and publications of Canadian interest from outside the country.
Events and Programmes
- Virtual Learning Analytics Hackathon, 2020-10-24, Canada, Organized by UBC Vancouver Library, UBC Okanagan Library, the Centre for Teaching and Learning Technology (Vancouver), and the Centre for Teaching and Learning (Okanagan) | Type: hackathon
- Publier en libre accès: c'est plus facile que vous ne le croyez!, 2020-10-22, Canada, Organized by Natalie Clairoux | Type: webinar
- Finding, Using, and Adapting Open Resources For Your Courses, 2020-10-22, Canada, Organized by UBC Vancouver Library, UBC Okanagan Library, the Centre for Teaching and Learning Technology (Vancouver), and the Centre for Teaching and Learning (Okanagan) | Type: webinar
- Building a Foundation: Open Research Data as a Pillar of Open Science, 2020-10-22, Canada, Organized by UBC Vancouver Library, UBC Okanagan Library, the Centre for Teaching and Learning Technology (Vancouver), and the Centre for Teaching and Learning (Okanagan) | Type: webinar
- Atlantic Canada Research Data Management (RDM) Day, 2020-10-21, Canada, Organized by Marlo MacKay | Type: webinar, workshop
- Copyright, Creative Commons, and Open Licenses, 2020-10-21, Canada, Organized by UBC Vancouver Library, UBC Okanagan Library, the Centre for Teaching and Learning Technology (Vancouver), and the Centre for Teaching and Learning (Okanagan) | Type: webinar
- U of L co-hosted Workshop: Reuse, Revise, Repeat: Exploring Ways to Customize OER for your Teaching/ Learning, 2020-10-20, Canada, Organized by University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge College, City Library | Type: workshop, online
- Panel Discussion with Dr. Christina Hendricks and educators from school, college, and university: Sharing is Caring: Open Education and the Case for Reusing and Remixing Resources, 2020-10-20, Canada, Organized by U of L Teaching Centre/ Library; Lethbridge College and City Library | Type: panel
- Open Education Faculty Showcase, 2020-10-20, Canada, Organized by UBC Vancouver Library, UBC Okanagan Library, the Centre for Teaching and Learning Technology (Vancouver), and the Centre for Teaching and Learning (Okanagan) | Type: webinar
- Technologies of Power and Control in Knowledge Infrastructures, 2020-10-20, Canada, Organized by Maggie Huang | Type: online
- Perspectives on Openness: Honouring Indigenous Ways of Knowing, 2020-10-20, Canada, Organized by Rosa Orlandini and Norda Bell | Type: panel, discussion
- The Impact of Open Access at UBC Library, 2020-10-19, Canada, Organized by UBC Vancouver Library, UBC Okanagan Library, the Centre for Teaching and Learning Technology (Vancouver), and the Centre for Teaching and Learning (Okanagan) | Type: webinar
- Open source hardware in research, 2019-11-01, Canada, Organized by Michael Groenendyk | Type: workshop
- Copyright and your thesis, 2019-10-24, Canada, Organized by Olivier Charbonneau | Type: workshop
- Selecting quality open access journals for publishing your research, 2019-10-24, Canada, Organized by Krista Alexander and Michelle Lake | Type: workshop
- Publier en libre accès: c'est plus facile que vous ne le croyez!, 2019-10-24, Canada, Organized by Natalie Clairoux | Type: workshop
- University of Alberta Student Journal ‘Show and Tell’, 2019-10-23, Canada, Organized by University of Alberta Libraries | Type: drop-in
- Round table discussion on Wikipedia, translation, and open access, 2019-10-23, Canada, Organized by Amber Berson | Type: discussion
- Open data in Québec, 2019-10-23, Canada, Organized by Alex Guindon | Type: workshop
- McMaster University Libraries celebrate Open Access Week, 2019-10-22, Canada, Organized by Olga Perkovic | Type: presentations, hands-on, workshop, panel, discussion
- StFX Scholar Launch and Open House, 2019-10-22, Canada, Organized by Meghan Landry | Type: open, house
- Using and Sharing Open Access Content: Creative Commons Licenses, 2019-10-22, Canada, Organized by Joshua Chalifour | Type: workshop
- "I paid $0 for my textbooks!" - How open educational resources make course materials affordable, 2019-10-22, Canada, Organized by Chloe Lei | Type: workshop
- Can We Decolonize Open? An Open Access Week Event, 2019-10-22, Canada, Organized by Langara College, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Simon Fraser University, and University of British Columbia in partnership with BCcampus | Type: keynote, panel-discussion
- Introduction to the Concordia Open Data Program, 2019-10-21, Canada, Organized by Francisco Berrizbeitia and Paul Fournier | Type: workshop
- Proposal to publication: What authors should know about scholarly book publishing, 2019-10-21, Canada, Organized by Ryan Van Huijstee and Meredith Carruthers | Type: workshop
- Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon: with a focus on women’s health, 2018-11-07, Canada, Organized by Dalhousie University Libraries | Type: wikipedia, edit-a-thon
- Screening of the movie Paywall: The Business of Scholarship, 2018-10-26, Canada, Organized by Kim Mears | Type: moving, screening
- Paywall: The Business of Scholarship (Film Screening), 2018-10-26, Canada, Organized by Western Libraries | Type: movie, screening
- Screening of Paywall: The Business of Scholarship & Facilitated Discussion, 2018-10-25, Canada, Organized by Dalhousie University Libraries | Type: film, and, discussion
- Paywall: The Business of Scholarship @ StFX, 2018-10-25, Canada, Organized by StFX University - Angus L. Macdonald Library | Type: screening
- Before You Sign: Know your Academic Publishing Rights, 2018-10-25, Canada, Organized by Western Libraries | Type: workshop
- Open Access: Tips for Planning (webinar), 2018-10-24, Canada, Organized by Dalhousie University Libraries | Type: webinar
- Paywall: The Business of Open Scholarship, 2018-10-24, Canada, Organized by VIU Library & VIUSU | Type: film
- A Panel Discussion: Creating and Sustaining Inclusive Equitable Open Systems, 2018-10-24, Canada, Organized by Western Libraries | Type: panel, discussion
- Open but not Free: Invisible Labour in Open Scholarship, 2018-10-24, Canada, Organized by BCIT, SFU, UBC, UFV, Langara College, KPU | Type: panel, discussion
- Open Access: Research and Innovation Professional Development Series, 2018-10-23, Canada, Organized by Research Services and Library - Lakehead University | Type: presentation
- Webinaire - Publier en libre accès: c'est plus facile que vous ne le croyez!, 2018-10-23, Canada, Organized by Natalie Clairoux | Type: webinar
- Before You Sign: Know your Academic Publishing Rights, 2018-10-23, Canada, Organized by Western Libraries | Type: workshop
- The True Cost of Research Exhibit, 2018-10-22, Canada, Organized by Kim Mears | Type: exhibit
- Paywall: The Business of Scholarship (movie screening), 2018-10-22, Canada, Organized by Robyn Hall | Type: film, screening
- Open Access Week Kickoff Party, 2018-10-22, Canada, Organized by Western Libraries | Type: reception/party
- Celebrating Edmonton’s Music: A Canada 150 Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, 2017-10-27, Canada, Organized by Robyn Hall | Type: workshop
- Tension and Risk in Open Scholarship: A Conversation, 2017-10-26, Canada, Organized by Rosario Passos | Type: panel, discussion
- What's open about open pedagogy?, 2017-10-26, Canada, Organized by Hope Miller | Type: presentation
- Open Data: An Introduction, 2017-10-26, Canada, Organized by Tara Wiebe | Type: talk, open data
- Shoptalk: Open Educational Resources, 2017-10-25, Canada, Organized by Tara Wiebe | Type: talk, open educational resources
- Publier en libre accès: c'est plus facile que vous ne le croyez!, 2017-10-25, Canada, Organized by Natalie Clairoux | Type: workshop, atelier
- The Truth about Open Access Publishing, 2017-10-24, Canada, Organized by Athabasca University Press | Type: presentation
- Shoptalk: Open Educational Resources, 2017-10-24, Canada, Organized by Tara Wiebe | Type: talk, open educational resources
- Open Access Monographs Webinar, 2017-10-24, Canada, Organized by Tara Wiebe | Type: webinar, open access, monographs
- Talk | Scholarly communication & open access: what researchers should know with Vincent Larivière, Canada Research Chair in the Transformations of Scholarly Communication, 2017-10-23, Canada, Organized by McGill Library | Type: talk
- How to Start an Open Access Journal, 2017-10-23, Canada, Organized by Tara Wiebe | Type: talk
- OPUS: Open Uleth Scholarship, an Open Access Repository, 2017-10-23, Canada, Organized by Tara Wiebe | Type: talk, institutional repository
- Soirée de célébration du libre accès au Fou AELIES, 2016-10-28, Canada, Organized by Pierre Lasou | Type: party
- Le dépôt et la délégation de dépôt dans Archipel, 2016-10-27, Canada, Organized by UQAM | Type: atelier
- Creating a Data Management Plan Using DMP Assistant, 2016-10-27, Canada, Organized by Marlo MacKay | Type: workshop
- University of Lethbridge OA Week Presentation, 2016-10-27, Canada, Organized by Emma Black | Type: presentation
- Getting Your Research Out, 2016-10-27, Canada, Organized by Jessica Lange | Type: workshop, note, open, to, mcgill, graduate, students, only
- Comment publier en libre accès?, 2016-10-26, Canada, Organized by UQAM | Type: séance, d'information
- Le libre accès et les arts visuels au Canada : le cas d’Artexte, 2016-10-26, Canada, Organized by Helene Brousseau | Type: conférence/atelier
- Publier en libre accès: c'est plus facile que vous ne le croyez!, 2016-10-26, Canada, Organized by Natalie Clairoux | Type: workshop, atelier, formation
- Tell your own story: Building a professional and scholarly identity online, 2016-10-26, Canada, Organized by Jessica Lange | Type: workshop
- Getting Your Research Out, 2016-10-26, Canada, Organized by Jessica Lange | Type: workshop, note, open, to, mcgill, graduate, students, only
- Open in Action: a featured talk and panel discussion, 2016-10-25, Canada, Organized by BC Research Libraries Group & Simon Fraser University Library | Type: presentation, panel, webcast
- Café-causerie: Libre accès aux réalités de l'édition savante, 2016-10-25, Canada, Organized by Pierre Lasou | Type: café-causerie
- Open Access Week 2016, 2016-10-25, Canada, Organized by Elizabeth Yates | Type: open, access, week, event
- Creating a Data Management Plan Using DMP Assistant, 2016-10-25, Canada, Organized by Marlo MacKay | Type: workshop
- Screening of The Internet’s Own Boy: the story of Aaron Swartz, 2016-10-25, Canada, Organized by Marlo MacKay | Type: film, screening
- Le libre accès: nouvelles perspectives pour les jeunes chercheurs, 2016-10-25, Canada, Organized by Pierre Lasou | Type: conference
- Open in Action: Open Access Week at OCAD University, 2016-10-25, Canada, Organized by Chris Landry | Type: panel
- Deciding Where to Publish, 2016-10-25, Canada, Organized by Jessica Lange | Type: workshop
- Table ronde: "Horizon 2021: Les avenirs possibles du libre accès", 2016-10-25, Canada, Organized by UQAM - Service des bibliothèques | Type: table ronde
- Open Access Week at Simon Fraser University, 2016-10-24, Canada, Organized by SFU Library | Type: workshops, presentations
- Comment publier en libre accès?, 2016-10-24, Canada, Organized by UQAM | Type: séance, d'information
- Comment publier en libre accès?, 2016-10-24, Canada, Organized by UQAM | Type: séance, d'information
- University of Waterloo Library Open Access Events 2016, 2016-10-01, Canada, Organized by Waterloo Library Open Access Working Group | Type: workshop, webinars, presentation
- Open Textbook, 2015-10-27, Canada, Organized by Yayo Umetsubo | Type: opentextbook, academic, post-secondary
- Open Access Journals, 2015-10-27, Canada, Organized by Yayo Umetsubo | Type: academic, research, oaweek
- The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz, 2015-10-27, Canada, Organized by Robyn Hall | Type: movie
- 5 à 7 – Publier la recherche en santé publique en 2015: Pour qui ? Où ? Comment ?, 2015-10-26, Canada, Organized by Chaire REALISME | Type: 5, à, 7
- Open access textbooks, 2015-10-23, Canada, Organized by Manisha Khetarpal | Type: sharing, circles, initiating, conversations
- 1science- Facilitating Open Access and the Flow of Knowledge, 2015-10-23, Canada, Organized by Elpi | Type: presentation, and, discussion
- Open Data, 2015-10-22, Canada, Organized by Jessica Gallinger | Type: learning, event
- Open Textbooks, 2015-10-22, Canada, Organized by Jessica Gallinger | Type: learning, event
- Open Educational Resources in the Western Canadian Post-Secondary Context, Cari Merkley, Erika Smith, Eric Queenan (OER Working Group, MRU), 2015-10-22, Canada, Organized by Mount Royal University Library | Type: speaker, series
- Open for Collaboration: Is it Time for Canada to Implement A Unified Open Strategy for Higher Education?, 2015-10-22, Canada, Organized by UBC Library, SFU Library, BC Campus, COPPUL, PKP, BC Research Libraries Group | Type: reception, keynote, panel
- Lakehead University Open Access Week events, 2015-10-21, Canada, Organized by Moira Davidson | Type: panel, discussion
- OPEN FOR COLLABORATION: OPEN ACCESS WEEK AT OCAD UNIVERSITY, 2015-10-21, Canada, Organized by OCAD University Library | Type: panel, discussion, info, session, guest, speakers, screening
- Open Access Week at Centennial College Libraries, 2015-10-21, Canada, Organized by Sarah Shujah | Type: film, screening
- Promoting Progressive Approaches to Open Access, Richard Hayman (Digital Initiatives Librarian, MRU), 2015-10-21, Canada, Organized by Mount Royal University Library | Type: speaker, series
- Knowledge Without Borders: The Open Access Movement's Impact on the Flow of Information, 2015-10-21, Canada, Organized by Dr. Steven Muir | Type: presentation
- Doing Science in the Open by Dr. Rosie Redfield, 2015-10-21, Canada, Organized by Paula Cardozo | Type: open, access, talk
- Open Access: the Good, the Bad and the Unknown, 2015-10-20, Canada, Organized by Rosarie Coughlan, Scholarly Publishing Librarian, Queen's University | Type: panel-discussion.
- Open Access Open Mic, 2015-10-20, Canada, Organized by Foothills Library Association | Type: social
- Table ronde: la collaboration au service de la diffusion scientifique en libre accès, 2015-10-20, Canada, Organized by Consortium Érudit | Type: table, ronde
- Kill the academic journal? Sorry and please! Gerald Beasley, Vice Provost and Chief Librarian (UofA), 2015-10-19, Canada, Organized by Mount Royal University Library | Type: speaker, series
- 11-14 August 2015: 5th International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference: Scholarship, Technology and Community; Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- 28-29 May 2015: 3rd International Open Data Conference (IODC); Ottawa, Canada.
- 27-28 January 2015- "Sustaining Partnerships to Transform Scholarly Production", Whistler, BC, Canada.
- 30 January 2015- Scholarship(at)Western & Open Access: What's in it for me?", Western University, Canada.
- 28-29 October 2014: Open UBC Week; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- 16-21 August 2014: World Weather Open Science Conference; Montreal, Canada.
- 11 July 2014: Open Source Cancer- Hackers and Biodigital Rituals of Sharing; Toronto, Canada.
- 16-25 May 2014: Open Culture- Participatory Practice in Art and Science; Toronto, Canada.
- 21 March 2014: eTextbook in eLearning Conference; Montreal, Canada.
- 20 March 2014: Open Access in Canada: Towards a Common Policy for Federal Funding Agencies; RCUK International Open Access Meeting, London.
- 15-16 February 2014- "Interrogating Access: Current and Future Directions for Scholarly Research and Communications in Canada", Waterloo, Ontario.
- 18 February 2014- " Open Access Publishing, Author Rights and Funding Mandates", University of British Columbia.
- 18 February 2014- "Your UBC Research: Make it Open Access via cIRcle!", University of British Columbia.
- 25 October 2013- Open Access colloquium at the University of Guelph.
- 23 October 2013- Symposium "Designing Open Access Policy", University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- There are Open Access week events at universities throughout Canada during October each year, including seminar and panel discussions. For Open Access Week 2010 CARL and McGill University jointly produced an advocacy video.
- 2011 OA week events are planned at Athabasca University, University of Toronto, Concordia University Montreal and a radio programme Le kidnapping de la science, organised by Steven Harnad is being broadcast in French on Radio Canada October 24 2011.
- Acharya, P., N. T. Shrestha, B. Mishra, H. Zareipour, and P. Shrestha. 2020. “Price Allocation of Transmission Line Usage in Open Access System Using Mega Volt Ampere Kilometer and Mega Volt Ampere Cost Method for Integrated Nepal Power System.” in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 463.
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- April 23, 2015: Celebrating Canada's Open Access Tipping Point by Michael Geist; Posted on www.ideas-idees.ca (Blog).
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- Bardouille, T., and L. Bailey. 2019. “Evidence for Age-Related Changes in Sensorimotor Neuromagnetic Responses during Cued Button Pressing in a Large Open-Access Dataset.” NeuroImage 193:25–34. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.02.065.
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