
Brazil is the most active country of the region in open access implementations. And the first country to have a bill presented in 2007 to parliament proposing a national mandatory policy for open access. As of 2021, DOAJ includes 1615 open access journals from Brazil. There are 26 OA policies registered in ROARMAP. There are 152 repositories in OpenDOAR. There are 1325 resources listed in ROAD.  Brazil publishes around 2,7% of the world’s scientific papers and around 97% of all Brazilian journals are Open Access. In 2013, SciELO made all its journals available at Web of Science in a move to improve international visibility. Around 10% of Brazilian journals offer Gold Open Access which makes content freely and immediately available.  

In ROARMAP, are registered an institutional mandate from the Federal University of Rio Grande, and a theses mandate from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. As of March 2021, there are 26  OA policies registered in ROARMAP. Declarations of support to open access -“Salvador Declaration” (2005), “Manifesto Brasileiro de Apoio ao Acesso Livre” (2005), Carta de São Paulo (2005), among others- have raised interest on the potential benefits of open access. And several initiatives have contributed to the growth of open access in Brazil.

Enabling Environment

Open access journals are a real success in the country, and available in several open access initiatives. In 1997, the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) in partnership with the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information-BIREME and later with the support from the National Council of Scientific Research (CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico), started the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO).

A study (Open Access Indicators and Scholarly Communications in Latin America) shows that, as of 2014, 35.15% of OA journals indexed in Latindex; 22.06% of OA journals indexed in RedALyC and 34.11% of OA journals indexed in SciELO are published in Brazil. This corresponds to a total of 1901, 154 and 306 locally published OA journals, respectively. From the Latin American region, Brazil currently has the highest number of OA journals indexed in these three journal databases.

Key Organizations

The Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnología, Ibict) has developed, based on open source OJS technology, the System for Electronic Journal Edition (Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas-SEER and INSEER) and today 1.350 journals from Brazil are incorporated and received training and support from SEER to improve quality, visibility and open access to those journals. Ibict is also developing, the Brazilian Open Access Scientific Information System which will provide integrated access to both, open access repositories and open access journals from Brazil.

Together with BIREME, NECOBELAC has also organized a training course for health journal editors, in 2010. Ibict is the national focal point of Latindex in Brazil. DOAJ includes 984 open access journals from Brazil. Ibict, in partnership with the University of Brasilia , have lead the national initiative of supporting the development of institutional repositories in universities and research institutions in Brazil. With customized open source technologies for journals (OJS) and repositories (DSpace and Eprints), transferring technological kits to universities and research institutions, ensuring training and technical support, and building open portals for national coordination of repositories, journals and theses.

Open access digital repositories from Brazil are registered in OpenDOAR, mainly university initiatives with a strong presence of theses collections and also journal articles, conference papers, teaching materials, technical reports and other publications.

The National Network of Teaching and Research (Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa-RNP) is the national focal point of RedCLARA. RedCLARA promotes in Latin America the following open access initiatives with participation of Brazil:

Regarding theses, in 2002 Ibict, with support from Financiadora de Estudos e Pesquisas (Finep), worked together with higher education institutions to develop the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações-BDTD) which today has 144.000 theses and dissertations. It contributed to this success the fact that Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior-CAPES has adopted a normative that requires higher education institutions to create digital libraries of theses and dissertations and to deposit all theses there. In addition, the CNPq programme that funds scholarly and scientific journals gives priority to project that publish results in open access.

A few Brazilian universities are also participating in NDLTD and in Cybertesis.

Together with other countries of the region, Brazil participates in open access regional subject repositories, today with a growing number of records with full-texts, examples: health (BVS), agriculture (SIDALC), science (PERIÓDICA), education (Relpe), public management and policies (CLAD-SIARE), social sciences (CLACSO, FLACSO, CLASE), work (LABORDOC), economics (RePEc), information science (E-Lis), among others.

Several websites allow open access updating: Acesso Livre Brasil, Acceso Livre Brasil, Blog do Kuramoto, Acesso Aberto USP, among others.

Creative Commons Brazil promotes the use of open access licenses and is working together with Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Law School in Rio de Janeiro to create Brazil jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses.

10 March 2015: A $4.3-million (USD) grant from the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) plus a contribution of US$ 1.9 million by The University of Campinas (UNICAMP), totalling US$ 6,2 million, led to the establishment and launch of Brazil's first open-access research facility, the Protein Kinase Chemical Biology Centre at the UNICAMP in Brazil. The new Centre will advance unrestricted discovery as a member of the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) -- a public-private partnership that supports the discovery of new medicines through open access research -- that is based in Oxford, U.K. and Toronto, Canada.

Events and Programmes

  • Interdisciplinary perspectives on open science and open access in the information and knowledge management research, 2020-10-19, Brazil, Organized by PAULA CARINA DE ARAÚJO, Type: webinar

  • II Meeting on Open Science - University of São Paulo, 2019-10-25, Brazil, Organized by Debora Rejane Fior Chadi-Provost Office of Research-University of São Paulo, Type: meeting

  • O papel dos preprints na ciência de livre acesso, 2019-10-23, Brazil, Organized by Rodolfo Jaffé, Type: palestra

  • OPAJE / Federal University of Tocantins: Launch of the book open access, 2017-10-25, Brazil, Organized by Francisco Gilson Reboucas Porto Junior, Type: launch, of, the, book, open, access

  • Seminar: First Meeting of Editors of Scientific Journals of Tocantins, 2017-10-25, Brazil, Organized by Francisco Gilson Reboucas Porto Junior, Type: seminar

  • Hangout: Práticas do Acesso Aberto no Brasil, 2017-10-25, Brazil, Organized by Bibliotecários da UFRJ e Biblioo, Type: videoconferência

  • Open Access Week at Fiocruz, 2015-10-19, Brazil, Organized by Instituto de Informação e Comunicação - ICICT  /  Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Fiocruz, Type: open, access, week

  • 1-5 September, 2015: "DC 2015: Metadata and Ubiquitous Access to Culture, Science and Digital Humanities" to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • 22-25 October 2014- SciELO 15 Years Conference; Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • 27-28 April, 2014: "Open Access Days'' workshop organized by The American University in Cairo (AUC). Nicholas Cop from SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), spoke about their bibliographic database of open access journals. SciELO initially started in Brazil, 15 years ago, yet it now has presence in 12 countries most of them are in Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. Mr. Cop also shed the light about the status of Open Access in that region by showing some statistics. For example, in Chile, 88% of the journals are Open Access ones. Similarly, in Brazil, 63% of the articles there are OA. On SciELO’s blog there is also a study about academic journal publication models in Brazil and Spain.  He also spoke about the language barrier for researches done in Spanish or Portuguese which is limiting the access to the papers published in the OA journals there, thus they translate the papers’ abstracts. Mr. Cop also spoke about a new project they are working on to promote OA books and to allow easier citations between papers and e-books.

  • 5-8 March 2013: 30 experts and Policy specialists from 25 countries including Belize; Virgin Islands; St Vincent and Grenadines; St Kitts and Nevis and St Martin; Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Guatemala; Uruguay and Mexico gathered in Kingston to develop strategies and a road map to implement open access policies in the Latin American and Caribbean Region. This was the first regional consultation on open access to scientific information and research organized by the UNESCO Kingston Cluster office in collaboration with the Ministry of Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Ministry of Information, Government of Jamaica, University of West Indies and UNESCO National Commission for Jamaica. Workshop participants had the opportunity to contribute towards highlighting priority areas for intervention to achieve “Openness” in the region and individual countries. Participants reviewed the UNESCO OA policy templates and worked out specific policies for their own country/institution.

  • Open Access Week events:

    • 22 October 2012- "International Symposium on University Rankings and Scholarly Impact in the Open Access Era", University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • 21-22 September 2005: International Seminar- Open Access for Developing Countries, organized by WHO/PAHO/BIREME; Salvador, Bahia- Brazil.

  • From January 2015 onwards, it was made mandatory by SciELO to convert all Brazilian journal contents into XML format (Extensible Markup Language Generic).Other criteria are planned to start in 2016, such as the need to include a greater percentage of papers in English (the majority is still published in Portuguese) and foreign peer-review referees.

  • Open Science and Open Data Related Events:

  • July 2016:  Cloud Federation & Open Science Cloud at cross-regional level, CSBC 2016. Porto Alegre, Brazil

  • 18-22 August 2014- "Open Science, Open Issues: International seminar, workshop and meeting of the working group on Open Science"; Rio Di Janeiro, Brazil.


  • January 2015: "Comparative Analysis of Public Policies in Open Access models In Latin America: Brazil and Argentina Cases" by Karen Isabel Cabrera; published in Universities and Knowledge Society Journal (RUSC) Vol..12, No.1 

  • 12 September, 2014: "SciELO- Making Open Access in Brazil an Exciting Reality" by Jayashree Rajagopalan published on

  • 2014: "Open Access Indicators and Scholarly Communications in Latin America" is the result of a joint research and development project supported by UNESCO and undertaken by UNESCO in partnership with the Public Knowledge Project (PKP); the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); the Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (RedALyC); Africa Journals Online (AJOL); the Latin America Social Sciences School- Brazil (FLACSO- Brazil); and the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO). 

  • 26 November, 2014: "What has Ruffled the Open Access Feathers of Brazilian Science Editors?" by Elizabeth Allen; posted on blog,

  • Abadal, E., R. Melero, R. S. Rodrigues, and M. Navas-Fernández. 2015. “Spanish Scholarly Journals in WoS and Scopus: The Impact of Open Access.” Journal of Scholarly Publishing 47(1):77–96. doi: 10.3138/jsp.47.1.04.

  • Angelo, E. D. S., and M. Oliveira. 2019. “Brazilian Scientific Journals in Open Access for International Visibility: Study Based on the Impact Factor [Revistas Científicas Brasileiras Em Acesso Aberto de Visibilidade Internacional: Estudo Baseado No Fator de Impacto].” Ciencia Da Informacao 48(3):32–38.

  • Appel, A. L., and S. Albagli. 2019a. “Open Access in Question: New Agendas and Challenges [Acesso Aberto Em Questão: Novas Agendas e Desafios].” Informacao e Sociedade 29(4):187–208. doi: 10.22478/ufpb.1809-4783.2019v29n4.50113.

  • Appel, A. L., and S. Albagli. 2019b. “The Adoption of Article Processing Charges as a Business Model by Brazilian Open Access Journals.” Transinformacao 31. doi: 10.1590/2318-0889201931e180045.

  • Appel, A. L., I. Lujano, and S. Albagli. 2020. “Open Science Practices Adopted by Latin American & Caribbean Open Access Journals.” in 22nd International Conference on Electronic Publishing - Connecting the Knowledge Commons: From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure, ELPUB 2018.

  • Ariente, E. A. 2017. “Open Access Policies to Scientific Papers: Public Interest and Copyright [Políticas de Acesso Aberto Para Trabalhos Científicos: Interesse Público e Direitos de Autor].” Revista Brasileira de Politicas Publicas 7(1):134–60. doi: 10.5102/rbpp.v7i1.4328.

  • Beas Jiménez, J. D., M. E. da Silva-Grigoleto, L. Jiménez López, C. López López, C. Rodríguez Sorroche, S. Espinosa Soler, D. Jiménez-Pavón, and M. L. Dias-Estriga. 2018. “Sant Joan d’Alacant Declaration in Defense of Open Access to Scientifc Publications, by the Group of Editors of Spanish Journals on Health Sciences (GERECS). [Declaración de Sant Joan d’Alacant En Defensa Del Acceso Abierto a Las Publicaciones Científcas, Del Grupo de Editores de Revistas Españolas Sobre Ciencias de La Salud (GERECS).].” Revista Andaluza de Medicina Del Deporte 11(4):190–91. doi: 10.33155/j.ramd.2018.04.001.

  • Blattmann, U., and R. N. M. Dos Santos. 2014. “Brazilian Journals and That Visibility in Open Access [Revistas Científicas Brasileiras e Sua Visibilidade No Acesso Aberto].” Informacao e Sociedade 24(3):99–106.

  • Borges, L. D. C., P. M. D. S. Junior, A. G. Castro, and B. C. Vitiello. 2019. “Open Access in the Arts Field: An Analysis of the Scientific Periodic Qualis (2010-2012) and (2013-2016) [Acesso Aberto Na Área de Artes: Uma Análise Do Qualis Periódicos (2010-2012) e (2013-2016)].” Ciencia Da Informacao 48(3):171–84.

  • Bovolenta, L. A., M. L. Acencio, and N. Lemke. 2012. “HTRIdb: An Open-Access Database for Experimentally Verified Human Transcriptional Regulation Interactions.” BMC Genomics 13(1). doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-13-405.

  • Camara, G. R. 2012. “How to Broaden the Debate and Utility of Scientific Communications: The Open Access Journals.” Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 98(2):192.

  • Carvalho Neto, S., J. Willinsky, and J. P. Alperin. 2016. “Measuring, Rating, Supporting, and Strengthening Open Access Scholarly Publishing in Brazil [Medindo, Classificando, Apoiando e Fortalecendo a Publicação Científica Em Acesso Aberto No Brasil].” Education Policy Analysis Archives 24. doi: 10.14507/epaa.24.2391.

  • Castro, R. C. F. 2006. “Brazilian Journals in Electronic Format: From Diskettes to Open Access.” Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases 12(1):1–2. doi: 10.1155/IMRN/2006/47602.

  • Chan, L., S. De Sousa, and J. Sweezie. 2005. “Integrating the Green and Gold Road to Open Access: Experience from Bioline International.” Pp. 167–72 in From Author to Reader: Challenges for the Digital Content Chain - Proceedings of the 9th ICCC International Conference on Electronic Publishing, ELPUB 2005.

  • Chiaravalloti, R. M., and M. Dyble. 2019. “Limited Open Access in Socioecological Systems: How Do Communities Deal with Environmental Unpredictability?” Conservation Letters 12(2). doi: 10.1111/conl.12616.

  • Cintra, P. R., A. C. Furnival, and D. H. Milanez. 2018. “The Impact of Open Access Citation and Social Media on Leading Top Information Science Journals [Impacto Del Acceso Abierto En Citaciones y Medios Sociales de Las Principales Revistas de Ciencia de La Información].” Investigacion Bibliotecologica 32(77):117–32. doi: 10.22201/iibi.24488321xe.2018.77.57874.

  • Clinio, A. 2019. “Open Search beyond Open Access and Open Data: The Documenta Project Experience [Abrir a Pesquisa Para Além Do Acesso Aberto e Dados Abertos: A Experiência Do Projeto Documenta]. Ciencia Da Informacao 48(3):2069.

  • Cocco, A. P., and R. S. Rodrigues. 2014. “Open Access Institutional Repositories: Scenario on Ibero-American Countries [Repositórios Institucionais de Acesso Aberto: Cenário Nos Países Ibero-Americanos].” Informacao e Sociedade 24(2):111–20.

  • Costa, S. M. S. 2006. “Open Philosophy, Business Models and Funding Agencies: Essential Elements for the Discussion of Open Access to Scientific Information [Filosofia Aberta, Modelos de Negócios e Agências de Fomento: Elementos Essenciais a Uma Discussão Sobre o Acesso Aberto à Informação Científica].” Ciencia Da Informacao 35(2):39–50. doi: 10.1590/s0100-19652006000200005.

  • Costa, S. M. S., and F. C. L. Leite. 2008. “Brazilian Open Access Initiatives: Key Strategies and Actions.” Pp. 288–98 in Open Scholarship: Authority, Community, and Sustainability in the Age of Web 2.0 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, ELPUB 2008.

  • Couto, W., and S. M. S. P. Ferreira. 2019. “Legal and Illegal Paths for Open Access: An Exploration of the Controversies [Caminhos Legais e Ilegais Para o Acesso Aberto: Uma Exploração de Controvérsias].” Transinformacao 31. doi: 10.1590/2318-0889201931e190012.

  • Cruz-Riascos, S., L. V. R. Rezende, and D. L. Torres. 2016. “Open Access Tools at Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil: Prospection [Herramientas de Acceso Abierto En La Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brasil: Una Prospección].” Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecologia 39(2):163–70. doi: 10.17533/udea.rib.v39n2a07.

  • Da Costa Calheiros, T., M. Amaral, M. C. C. Gon, and Á. L. Costa. 2016. “Behavior Analysis and Health: Survey and Analysis of Articles in Open Access Databases [Análise Do Comportamento e Saúde: Levantamento e Análise de Artigos Em Bases de Acesso Livre].” Temas Em Psicologia 24(3):947–61. doi: 10.9788/TP2016.3-10Pt.

  • Da Costa Calheiros, T., M. Amaral, M. C. C. Gon, and A. L. Costa. 2016. “Behavior Analysis and Health: Survey and Analysis of Articles in Open Access Databases.” Temas Em Psicologia 24(3):963–76. doi: 10.9788/TP2016.3-10En.

  • Da Costa, M. P., and F. C. L. Leite. 2016. “Open Access in the World and Latin America: A Review since the Budapest Open Access Initiative.” Transinformacao 28(1):33–45. doi: 10.1590/2318-08892016002800003.

  • Da Silva, D. V. O., L. D. Dos Santos Queiroz, and P. P. Simões. 2019. “Data Mining as a Strategy for the Composition of Open Access Journal Catalogs in IFAM [Data Mining Como Estratégia Para a Composição Dos Catálogos de Periódicos Open Access No IFAM].” Ciencia Da Informacao 48(3):482–85.

  • Dantas de Medeiros, A., L. Junio da Silva, J. Maria da Silva, D. Cunha Fernandes dos Santos Dias, and M. Dias Pereira. 2020. “IJCropSeed: An Open-Access Tool for High-Throughput Analysis of Crop Seed Radiographs.” Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175. doi: 10.1016/j.compag.2020.105555.

  • de Brito, M. L., and L. G. Macena. 2019. “Open Access to Additional Health: Building Institutional Memory of a Regulatory Agency [Acesso Aberto Em Saúde Suplementar: A Construção Da Memória Institucional de Uma Agência Reguladora].” Ciencia Da Informacao 48(3):446–48.

  • de Camargo Jr., K. R. 2012. “The Publishing Industry against Open Access Journals [A Indústria de Publicação Contra o Acesso Aberto].” Revista de Saude Publica 46(6):1090–94. doi: 10.1590/S0034-89102013005000006.

  • de Carvalho Aranha, L. R. 2011. “Open Access, Authors’ Right, and Scientific Academy Duty: An Undelayable Commitment.” Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 47(2):1–5.

  • De Carvalho Da Silva, F. 2016. “RVq Open Access: Guarantee of Open Access [RVq Open Acess: Garantia Do Acesso Aberto].” Revista Virtual de Quimica 8(5):1249–50. doi: 10.21577/1984-6835.20160089.

  • de Deus Barreto Segundo, J., U. de Assis Santos, K. N. Sá, and A. P. de Oliveira Villalobos. 2020. “Associations among Open Access, Qualis Capes and Citation Performance (Indices H, E, AW and HL ANNUAL) in Brazilian Information Science Scientific Journals: Exploratory, Documentary Study [Relações Entre Acesso Aberto, Qualis Capes e Desempenho de Citação (Índices H, E, AW E Hl Anual) Em Periódicos Científicos Brasileiros de Ciência Da Informação: Estudo Documental Exploratório].” Informacao e Sociedade 30(1). doi: 10.22478/ufpb.1809-4783.2020v30n1.47362.

  • De Freitas, M. A., and F. C. L. Leite. 2019. “The Perception of Brazilians Researchers on the Deposit of Scientific Production in Open Access Institutional Repositories [La Percepción de Investigadores Brasileños Sobre El Depósito de La Producción Científica En Repositorios Institucionales de Acceso Abierto].” Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecologia 42(2):159–73. doi: 10.17533/udea.rib.v42n2a04.

  • de Moraes, L. S., and L. F. Sales. 2019. “Use of Social Networks by Open Access Institutional Repositories [Uso Das Redes Sociais Pelos Repositórios Institucionais de Acesso Aberto].” Ciencia Da Informacao 48(3):140–46.

  • De Oliveira Costa, M. E., and J. S. Anna. 2019. “Open Access and Distance Education: New Configurations for the Democratization of Knowledge [Acesso Aberto e Educação a Distância: Novas Configurações Para a Democratização Do Conhecimento].” Ciencia Da Informacao 48(3):536–46.

  • De Oliveira Santiago, M., and T. M. R. Dias. 2019. “Open Access Data for Understanding Women’s Scientific Production in Brazil [Dados de Acesso Aberto Para Compreensão Da Produção Científica Das Mulheres No Brasil].” Ciencia Da Informacao 48(3):486–87.

  • de Souza, I. V., P. S. Argolo, M. G. C. Gondim, G. J. de Moraes, M. A. L. Bittencourt, and A. R. Oliveira. 2015. “A Peer-Reviewed Open-Access Journal Launched to Accelerate Biodiversity Research Phytoseiid Mites from Tropical Fruit Trees in Bahia State, Brazil (Acari, Phytoseiidae).” ZooKeys 2015(533):99–131. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.533.5981.

  • Dias da Silva, M. A., A. C. Pereira, and A. D. Walmsley. 2019. “The Availability of Open-Access Videos Offered by Dental Schools.” European Journal of Dental Education 23(4):522–26. doi: 10.1111/eje.12461.

  • Dias, P. M., T. M. R. Dias, and G. F. Moita. 2019a. “An Analysis of Authors’ Scientific Collaboration with Publications in Open Access Journals [Uma Análise Da Colaboração Científica Dos Autores Com Publicações Em Periódicos de Acesso Aberto].” Ciencia Da Informacao 48(3):328–34.

  • Dias, P. M., T. M. R. Dias, and G. F. Moita. 2019b. “Evolution of Scientific Production in Open Access Journals in Brazil: A Temporal Analysis [Evolução Da Produção Científica Em Periódicos de Acesso Aberto No Brasil: Uma Análise Temporal].” Ciencia Da Informacao 48(3):520–21.

  • Dias, T. M. R., and P. M. Dias. 2019. “Open Access Research Data: A Collection of Data from the Group of Doctors Registered on the Lattes Platform [Dados de Pesquisa Em Acesso Aberto: Uma Coleção de Dados Do Conjunto de Doutores Cadastrados Na Plataforma Lattes].” Ciencia Da Informacao 48(3):518–19.

  • Diniz, E. 2015. “Open Access: A Topic That Needs to Be Better Explored [Acesso Aberto: Um Tema a Ser Mais Bem Explorado].” RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas 55(5):479. doi: 10.1590/S0034-759020150501.

  • Dos Santos, M. A. 2015. “High-Impact Open Access Scientific Publishing.” Paideia 25(61):141–43. doi: 10.1590/1982-43272561201501.

  • Droescher, F. D., and E. L. da Silva. 2015. “Open Access and the Use of Scientific Information [O Acesso Aberto e o Uso Da Informação Científica].” Investigacion Bibliotecologica 29(65):161–94. doi: 10.1016/j.ibbai.2016.02.019.

  • Fachin, J., and N. C. Araújo. 2018. “Specialized Open Access Information Sources [Fontes de Informação Especializadas de Acesso Aberto].” Informacao e Sociedade 28(3):35–52. doi: 10.22478/ufpb.1809-4783.2018v28n3.38421.

  • Fang, J., J. Boos, M. P. Cohen, J. B. Kruskal, R. Eisenberg, B. Siewert, and O. R. Brook. 2018. “Radiologists’ Experience With Patient Interactions in the Era of Open Access of Patients to Radiology Reports.” Journal of the American College of Radiology 15(11):1573–79. doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2017.10.032.

  • Fausto, C. 2012. “Open Access, Scholarship and Anthropologies: Comment to Daniel Miller.” HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 2(1):395–97.

  • Furnival, A. C. M., and N. S. Silva-Jerez. 2017. “Brazilian Researchers Views on Open Access to Scientific Literature [Percepções de Pesquisadores Brasileiros Sobre o Acesso Aberto à Literatura Científica].” Informacao e Sociedade 27(2):153–66.

  • Gabriel Junior, R. F., R. P. da Rocha, S. E. Caregnato, C. M. G. Pavão, P. C. S. J. Passos, E. N. Borges, S. A. S. Vanz, and L. A. B. Azambuja. 2019. “Open Access to Research Data in Brazil: Mapping Repositories, Practices and Perceptions of Researchers and Technologies [Acesso Aberto a Dados de Pesquisa No Brasil: Mapeamento de Repositórios, Práticas e Percepções Dos Pesquisadores e Tecnologias].” Ciencia Da Informacao 48(3):87–101.

  • Gonzalez-Galarza, F. F., A. McCabe, E. J. M. D. Santos, J. Jones, L. Takeshita, N. D. Ortega-Rivera, G. M. D. Cid-Pavon, K. Ramsbottom, G. Ghattaoraya, A. Alfirevic, D. Middleton, and A. R. Jones. 2020. “Allele Frequency Net Database (AFND) 2020 Update: Gold-Standard Data Classification, Open Access Genotype Data and New Query Tools.” Nucleic Acids Research 48(D1):D783–88. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz1029.

  • Gumieiro, K. A., and S. M. De Souza Costa. 2010. “Business Models for Electronic Open Access Journals and Disciplinary Differences: A Proposal.” Pp. 3–15 in ELPUB 2010 - Publishing in the Networked World: Transforming the Nature of Communication, 14th International Conference on Electronic Publishing.

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