As of 2021, In DOAJ, 305 open access journals from Argentina are registered. CAICYT provides each year online training in the use of OJS among journal editors of the region. More than 100 open access journals in Argentina are using OJS. CAICYT, together with the Ministry of Health, MINCYT, University of Maimónides and NECOBELAC have organized a training course on scientific publications and open access repositories.
Enabling Environment
OA legislation was approved by congress on 15 November, 2013. Argentine Senate adopted green OA mandate. Since then, Eight OA mandates from Argentina are registered in ROARMAP. In addition, a few national universities have issued resolutions or recommendations for open access to theses and other academic outputs. A study (Open Access Indicators and Scholarly Communications in Latin America) shows that, as of 2014, 10.48% of OA journals indexed in Latindex; 5.87% of OA journals indexed in RedALyC and 12.26% of OA journals indexed in SciELO are published in Argentina. This corresponds to a total of 567, 41 and 110 locally published OA journals, respectively.
5-8 March 2013: 30 experts and Policy specialists from 25 countries including Belize; Virgin Islands; St Vincent and Grenadines; St Kitts and Nevis and St Martin; Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Guatemala; Uruguay and Mexico gathered in Kingston to develop strategies and a road map to implement open access policies in the Latin American and Caribbean Region. This was the first regional consultation on open access to scientific information and research organized by the UNESCO Kingston Cluster office in collaboration with Ministry of Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Ministry of Information, Government of Jamaica, University of West Indies and UNESCO National Commission for Jamaica. Workshop participants had the opportunity to contribute towards highlighting priority areas for intervention to achieve “Openness” in the region and individual countries. Participants reviewed the UNESCO OA policy templates and worked out specific policies for their own country/institution.
Together with other countries of the region, Argentina participates in open access regional subject repositories with a growing number of full-texts, examples: health (BVS), agriculture (SIDALC), science (PERIÓDICA), education (Relpe), public management and policies (CLAD-SIARE), social sciences (CLACSO, FLACSO, CLASE), work (LABORDOC), marine sciences (Oceandocs), information science (E-Lis), among others.
Creative Commons Argentina promotes the use of open licenses in Argentina.
Key Organizations
The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva-MINCYT) has taken a leading role in open access promotion in Argentina:
- Creation in 2009 of a National System of Science and Technology Digital Repositories (Sistema Nacional de Repositorios Digitales en Ciencia y Tecnología-SNRD)
- Creation in 2009 of an Experts Committee on Digital Repositories of Science and Technology
- Promotion and proposal in Congress of an open access legislation for Argentina
- Grants for research in open access digital repositories
- Incorporating an “Open Access Argentina” section within its Electronic Library of Science and Technology
- Promotion of the open access week in Argentina
- Organization of an international conference on open access
- Representation of Argentina in the Latin America Network of Institutional Repositories National Systems (Red Federada Latinoamericana de Repositorios Institucionales de Documentación Científica), in COAR, in the Regional Declaration promoting open access to research results funded by public funds, and other international initiatives.
- Creation of National System of Biological Data and National System of sea Data
MINCYT is working together with the National Harvester of Digital Repositories SIU-bdu2 for harvesting OAI-PMH compliant repositories. In Argentina, 71 repositories are registered in OpenDOAR, mainly university and faculty initiatives with thesis, journal articles, conference papers, teaching materials and other publications; in some cases audio and video content. Several national universities with institutional repositories promote open access and organize events for the open access week, examples: National University of La Plata (Universidad Nacional de La Plata), National University of Rosario (Universidad Nacional de Rosario), National University of Cuyo (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo), University of Buenos Aires (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and National University of Comahue (Universidad Nacional del Comahue).
MINCYT, together with CAICYT-CONICET and the Panamerican Health Organization in Argentina have organized the first open access week event in 2010 followed in the webconference site by 1.400 participants
The National Scientific and Technological Research Council, Science and Technology Information Center (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CONICET – Centro Argentino de Información Científica y Tecnológica, CAICYT) is the national focal point for Latindex. and is the national focal point of Scielo providing support and training for journal editors and today.
The National University of La Plata (Universidad Nacional de La Plata) also participates with theses in Cybertesis and the National South University (Universidad Nacional del Sur) is member of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
The National Network of Research and Education in Argentina (Red Nacional de Investigación y Educación de Argentina INNOVA/RED), created by CONICET, is the national focal point of RedCLARA in Argentina and, together with MINCYT, they represent Argentina in the Latin America Network of Institutional Repositories National Systems (Red Federada Latinoamericana de Repositorios Institucionales de Documentación Científica). Argentina has also members in CoLaBoRa, the Latin America Community of Digital Libraries and Repositories.
The Faculty of Sciences Digital Library of the University of Buenos Aires, together with the National University of La Plata have developed the National Center for Promotion of Greenstone in Argentina to organize courses and Greenstone users meetings.
Events and Programmes
International Open Access Week is celebrated annually in Argentina with the organization of many OA related workshops and conferences.
- Reto del conocimiento académico abierto en América Latina y el Sur global-Proyecto AMELI November 21, 2018 from 4pm to 7pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by CLACSO, REDALYC, UMET, Aprender3C | Type: panel, en, la, 8°, conferencia, latinoamericana, y, caribeña, de, ciencias, sociales
- Challenges for strengthening South-South cooperation in open access scholarly communications November 21, 2018 from 2pm to 4pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by UNESCO-CLACSO-REDALYC/UAEM | Type: session, at, special, forum, on, democratization of academic knowledge: the challenges of open access to knowledge
- Nodo Transmisión de Acceso Abierto 2015 October 20, 2015 from 6pm to 7pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by FHyCs. Departamento de Bibliotecologia. | Type: academico
- Acceso Abierto Argentina 2010 - Jornada Virtual October 21, 2010 all day – Argentina Argentina Organized by Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva (MINCyT), Centro Argentino de Información Científica y Tecnológica (CAICYT – CONICET), Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS/OMS) | Type: virtual, conference
- Derechos de autor: lo que tenés que saber antes de publicar tu paper October 21, 2015 from 2pm to 4pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by Biblioteca Florentino Ameghino Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de La Plata Universidad Nacional de La Plata | Type: charla
- Acceso Abierto: investigar, publicar y compartir October 22, 2015 from 3pm to 5:30pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata | Type: jornada, virtual
- Acceso Abierto: investigar, publicar y compartir October 22, 2015 from 3pm to 5:30pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by CAICYT - CONICET (Fernando-Ariel López) | Type: jornada, presencial, streaming
- Jornada Virtual Acceso Abierto Argentina 2014 October 23, 2014 from 10am to 2pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by CAICYT-CONICET, MINCYT y OPS/OMS | Type: jornada, virtual
- Reunión de Equipos de Gestores de Unidad Académica - RepHipUNR October 23, 2018 from 9am to 12pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by Unidad de Gestión de Acceso Abierto - Comité de Acceso Abierto de la UNR | Type: taller
- Reunión Informativa sobre el Repositorio Hipermedial October 24, 2017 from 12:30am to 1:30pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by Fernando Díaz Pacífico | Type: presentation, and, informative, meeting
- Jornada Virtual Acceso Abierto Argentina 2016 October 25, 2016 from 9am to 2pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by Representación Argentina de OPS.OMS, CAICYT. CONICET y SNRD. BECYT. MINCYT | Type: jornada, virtual
- Construyendo lazos regionales e internacionales en la semana de Acceso Abierto October 25, 2018 all day – Argentina Argentina Organized by Tristana Pissaco. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro | Type: conferencia
- ACCESO ABIERTO 2017: jornada virtual en la FAU-UNLP October 26, 2017 from 10am to 2pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by CAICyT-CONICET | MINCyT | OPS/OMS Argentina | Type: jornada virtual
- Jornada Virtual de Acceso Abierto Argentina 2017 October 26, 2017 from 10am to 2pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by Mincyt - Caicyt - OPS/OMS | Type: jornada, virtual
- Jornada Virtual de Acceso Abierto Argentina 2017 #JVAAA2017 October 26, 2017 from 10am to 2pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by Fernando Ariel Lopez | Type: jornada, virtual
- Taller Ciencia abierta y evaluación abierta October 26, 2018 from 9am to 1pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by María Guillermina D'Onofrio, Mariano Fressoli, Diego Torres y Guillermina Actis | Type: workshop
- Taller: ciencia abierta y evaluación abierta October 26, 2018 from 9am to 12:30pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by CENIT, Programa de Datos Abiertos en Ciencia y Tecnología y Cientópolis | Type: conversatorio, y, taller
- Conversatorio Acceso abierto y comunidades académicas October 26, 2018 from 2pm to 4:30pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by Paula Nahirñak, María Guillermina D'Onofrio, Paola Azrilevich, Lorena Carlino, Guillermina Actis, Mariano Fressoli y Diego Torres | Type: panel
- Jornada Virtual Acceso Abierto Argentina 2011 October 27, 2011 from 9am to 5pm – ARGENTINA Argentina Organized by Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología - Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva / CAICYT-CONICET / OPS-OMS | Type: virtual, event
- 5a Jornada de Acceso Abierto en el Instituto de Formación Técnica Superior (IFTS) No.13 October 28, 2015 from 6:45pm to 9pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by Patricia Prada | Type: jornada, académica
- TICAR 2019 - Mesa de Acceso Abierto October 3, 2019 from 2:30pm to 4:30pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by Comité de Acceso Abierto. Unidad de Gestión de Acceso Abierto. Tecnología de la Información. Universidad Nacional de Rosario | Type: workshop, taller
- Mesa sobre Acceso abierto en Argentina y América Latina October 30, 2015 from 1:30pm to 6pm – Argentina Argentina Organized by Departamento de Bibliotecología - FaHCE-UNLP | Type: jornada
- Jornada Acceso Abierto (Open Access Day) August 30, 2013 all day – Auditorio Facultad de Ciencias Economómicas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Pcia.Santa Fe, Argentina Argentina Organized by Universidad Nacional del Litoral - Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) | Type: workshop
- Conversatorio sobre el acceso abierto October 22, 2013 from 2pm to 3:30pm – Biblioteca Central, 3° Nivel, Universidad de El Salvador Argentina Organized by Lic. Carlos Alfredo Morales, Coordinador de la Carrera de Biblioteconomía y Gestión de la Información de la Universidad de El Salvador | Type: discussion
- El acceso abierto en la radio October 23, 2013 from 11pm to 11:30pm – Buenos Aires (Argentina) Argentina Organized by Carolina De Volder y Fernando Ariel López (IIGG-UBA) | Type: entrevista, interview, discussion, oaweek
- Ciencias Sociales en Acceso Abierto October 22, 2014 from 4pm to 6pm – Buenos Aires and vía web Argentina Organized by Dominique Babini | Type: webinar
- Jornadas de Acceso Abierto a la Información Académica October 31, 2012 from 10am to 6pm – Facultad de Humanidades y Arte de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Argentina Argentina Organized by Facultad de Humanidades y Artes (UNR), Secretaría Académica (UNR),, Campus Virtual UNR, Programa "Dispositivos Hipermediales Dinámicos" | Type: académico, academic, jornadas, spanish
- Jornadas de Bibliotecas de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina October 12, 2012 all day – Facultad de Psicología de la UNR Argentina Organized by Biblioteca de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario | Type: académico
- Seminario sobre Acceso Abierto en FLACSO Argentina October 25, 2011 all day – FLACSO Argentina Argentina Organized by FLACSO Argentina | Type: open, seminar
- 14 May 2014: "Argentina and Open Access" by Juan Arellano posted on
- 2014: "Open Access Indicators and Scholarly Communications in Latin America" is the result of a joint research and development project supported by UNESCO and undertaken by UNESCO in partnership with the Public Knowledge Project (PKP); the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); the Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (RedALyC); Africa Journals Online (AJOL); the Latin America Social Sciences School- Brazil (FLACSO- Brazil); and the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO).
- Adrogué, C., and A. G. de Fanelli. 2018. “Gaps in Persistence under Open-Access and Tuition-Free Public Higher Education Policies [Brechas Na Persistência Bajo Políticas de Acesso Aberto e Matrícula Gratuita Em Educação Superior].” Education Policy Analysis Archives 26. doi: 10.14507/epaa.26.3497.
- Andrés, G., C. C. Amadio, A. Wursten, and J. I. Legaria. 2020. “Open Access Institutional Digital Repositories: A Socio-Technical Approach. A Case Study of the Repository of the Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios-Argentina [Repositorios Institucionales Digitales de Acceso Abierto: Una Mirada Socio-Tecnológica Estudio de Caso Del Repositorio de La Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos-Argentina].” Informacion, Cultura y Sociedad (42):35–52. doi: 10.34096/ics.i42.7404.
- Babini, D., and J. D. Machin-Mastromatteo. 2015. “Latin American Science Is Meant to Be Open Access: Initiatives and Current Challenges.” Information Development 31(5):477–81. doi: 10.1177/0266666915601420.
- Bodero, E. M., M. De Giusti, C. D. Radicelli, and E. P. Villacrés. 2019. “Analyses of Institutional Open Access Digital Repositories in Ecuador [Análisis de Los Repositorios Digitales Institucionales de Acceso Abierto En El Ecuador].” Espacios 40(32).
- Bongiovani, P. C., G. Guarnieri, D. Babini, and F. A. Llópez. 2014. “Open Access at Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Faculty Needs and Practices [Acceso Abierto En La Universidad Nacional de Rosario Necesidades y Prácticas de Los Docentes/Investigadores].” Informacion, Cultura y Sociedad 30(1):13–34.
- Bongiovani, P., N. D. Gómez, and S. Miguel. 2012. “Argentinian Researchers’ Opinions and Habits Regarding Open Access Publishing. A Study Based on the SOAP Survey Data [Opiniones y Hábitos de Publicación En Acceso Abierto de Los Investigadores Argentinos. Un Estudio Basado En Los Datos de La Encuesta SOAP].” Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica 35(3):453–67. doi: 10.3989/redc.2012.3.903.
- Bongiovani, P., S. Miguel, and N. D. Gómez. 2013. “Open Access, Scientific Impact and the Scientific Production in Two Argentine Universities in the Field of Medicine [Acceso Abierto, Impacto Científico y La Producción Científica En Dos Universidades Argentinas En El Campo de La Medicina].” Revista Cubana de Informacion En Ciencias de La Salud 24(2):118–32.
- Bongiovani, P., S. Miguel, and T. Hernández-Pérez. 2017. “Attitudes and Perceptions of Open Access Publishing among Researchers Who Evaluate Scientific Careers in Argentina [Actitudes y Percepciones de Los Evaluadores de La Carrera Científica En Argentina Sobre La Publicación En Acceso Abierto].” Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica 40(2). doi: 10.3989/redc.2017.2.1404.
- Castañeda, M., J. Texier, and A. Mercado. 2020. “Ethical Considerations on the Relationship between Open Access and Scientific Quality in Engineering [Consideraciones Éticas Sobre La Relación Entre El Acceso Abierto y La Calidad Científica En La Ingeniería].” in Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology.
- Coretto, G. A. P., I. E. Gareis, and H. L. Rufiner. 2017. “Open Access Database of EEG Signals Recorded during Imagined Speech.” in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 10160.
- De Giusti, M. R., G. L. Villarreal, C. J. Nusch, A. V. Pinto, and A. J. Lira. 2017. “Open Access and Open Data on Natural Disasters.” IFLA Journal 43(1):81–88. doi: 10.1177/0340035216678236.
- de Rossi, B. P. 2012. “Open Access: Is It Really an Open Model for Researchers in Developing Countries? [Acceso Abierto: ¿un Modelo Realmente Abierto Para Investigadores de Países En Desarrollo?].” Revista Argentina de Microbiologia 44(4):247–49.
- Del Valle, H. F., P. D. Blanco, L. A. Hardtke, G. Metternicht, P. J. Bouza, A. Bisigato, and C. M. Rostagno. 2015. Contribution of Open Access Global SAR Mosaics to Soil Survey Programs at Regional Level: A Case Study in North-Eastern Patagonia.
- Delucchi, G. A. 2005. “Regarding Open Access to Scientific Journals.” World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 6(1):60. doi: 10.1080/15622970510029777.
- Gómez, N., A. Bustos-Gonzalez, J. Santillan-Aldana, and O. Arias. 2009. “Open Access Indicators and Information Society: The Latin American Case.” OCLC Systems and Services 25(2):82–92. doi: 10.1108/10650750910961884.
- Grasso, M. A., L. I. Pagola, and A. Zanotti. 2019. “Implementation of an Open Access Strategy at the University: The Case of UNVM (Argentina) [Implementación de Una Estrategia de Acceso Abierto En La Universidad: El Caso de La UNVM (Argentina)].” Biblios (74):61–71. doi: 10.5195/BIBLIOS.2019.419.
- January 2015: "Comparative Analysis of Public Policies in Open Access models In Latin America: Brazil and Argentina Cases" by Karen Isabel Cabrera; published in Universities and Knowledge Society Journal (RUSC) Vol..12, No.1
- Kattge, J., G. Bönisch, S. Díaz, S. Lavorel, I. C. Prentice, P. Leadley, S. Tautenhahn, G. D. A. Werner, T. Aakala, M. Abedi, A. T. R. Acosta, G. C. Adamidis, K. Adamson, M. Aiba, C. H. Albert, J. M. Alcántara, C. Alcázar C, I. Aleixo, H. Ali, B. Amiaud, C. Ammer, M. M. Amoroso, M. Anand, C. Anderson, N. Anten, J. Antos, D. M. G. Apgaua, T. L. Ashman, D. H. Asmara, G. P. Asner, M. Aspinwall, O. Atkin, I. Aubin, L. Baastrup-Spohr, K. Bahalkeh, M. Bahn, T. Baker, W. J. Baker, J. P. Bakker, D. Baldocchi, J. Baltzer, A. Banerjee, A. Baranger, J. Barlow, D. R. Barneche, Z. Baruch, D. Bastianelli, J. Battles, W. Bauerle, M. Bauters, E. Bazzato, M. Beckmann, H. Beeckman, C. Beierkuhnlein, R. Bekker, G. Belfry, M. Belluau, M. Beloiu, R. Benavides, L. Benomar, M. L. Berdugo-Lattke, E. Berenguer, R. Bergamin, J. Bergmann, M. Bergmann Carlucci, L. Berner, M. Bernhardt-Römermann, C. Bigler, A. D. Bjorkman, C. Blackman, C. Blanco, B. Blonder, D. Blumenthal, K. T. Bocanegra-González, P. Boeckx, S. Bohlman, K. Böhning-Gaese, L. Boisvert-Marsh, W. Bond, B. Bond-Lamberty, A. Boom, C. C. F. Boonman, K. Bordin, E. H. Boughton, V. Boukili, D. M. J. S. Bowman, S. Bravo, M. R. Brendel, M. R. Broadley, K. A. Brown, H. Bruelheide, F. Brumnich, H. H. Bruun, D. Bruy, S. W. Buchanan, S. F. Bucher, N. Buchmann, R. Buitenwerf, D. E. Bunker, J. Bürger, S. Burrascano, D. F. R. P. Burslem, B. J. Butterfield, C. Byun, M. Marques, M. C. Scalon, M. Caccianiga, M. Cadotte, M. Cailleret, J. Camac, J. J. Camarero, C. Campany, G. Campetella, J. A. Campos, L. Cano-Arboleda, R. Canullo, M. Carbognani, F. Carvalho, F. Casanoves, B. Castagneyrol, J. A. Catford, J. Cavender-Bares, B. E. L. Cerabolini, M. Cervellini, E. Chacón-Madrigal, K. Chapin, F. S. Chapin, S. Chelli, S. C. Chen, A. Chen, P. Cherubini, F. Chianucci, B. Choat, K. S. Chung, M. Chytrý, D. Ciccarelli, L. Coll, C. G. Collins, L. Conti, D. Coomes, J. H. C. Cornelissen, W. K. Cornwell, P. Corona, M. Coyea, J. Craine, D. Craven, J. P. G. M. Cromsigt, A. Csecserits, K. Cufar, M. Cuntz, A. C. da Silva, K. M. Dahlin, M. Dainese, I. Dalke, M. Dalle Fratte, A. T. Dang-Le, J. Danihelka, M. Dannoura, S. Dawson, A. J. de Beer, A. De Frutos, J. R. De Long, B. Dechant, S. Delagrange, N. Delpierre, G. Derroire, A. S. Dias, M. H. Diaz-Toribio, P. G. Dimitrakopoulos, M. Dobrowolski, D. Doktor, P. Dřevojan, N. Dong, J. Dransfield, S. Dressler, L. Duarte, E. Ducouret, S. Dullinger, W. Durka, R. Duursma, O. Dymova, A. E-Vojtkó, R. L. Eckstein, H. Ejtehadi, J. Elser, T. Emilio, K. Engemann, M. B. Erfanian, A. Erfmeier, A. Esquivel-Muelbert, G. Esser, M. Estiarte, T. F. Domingues, W. F. Fagan, J. Fagúndez, D. S. Falster, Y. Fan, J. Fang, E. Farris, F. Fazlioglu, Y. Feng, F. Fernandez-Mendez, C. Ferrara, J. Ferreira, A. Fidelis, B. Finegan, J. Firn, T. J. Flowers, D. F. B. Flynn, V. Fontana, E. Forey, C. Forgiarini, L. François, M. Frangipani, D. Frank, C. Frenette-Dussault, G. T. Freschet, E. L. Fry, N. M. Fyllas, G. G. Mazzochini, S. Gachet, R. Gallagher, G. Ganade, F. Ganga, P. García-Palacios, V. Gargaglione, E. Garnier, J. L. Garrido, A. L. de Gasper, G. Gea-Izquierdo, D. Gibson, A. N. Gillison, A. Giroldo, M. C. Glasenhardt, S. Gleason, M. Gliesch, E. Goldberg, B. Göldel, E. Gonzalez-Akre, J. L. Gonzalez-Andujar, A. González-Melo, A. González-Robles, B. J. Graae, E. Granda, S. Graves, W. A. Green, T. Gregor, N. Gross, G. R. Guerin, A. Günther, A. G. Gutiérrez, L. Haddock, A. Haines, J. Hall, A. Hambuckers, W. Han, S. P. Harrison, W. Hattingh, J. E. Hawes, T. He, P. He, J. M. Heberling, A. Helm, S. Hempel, J. Hentschel, B. Hérault, A. M. Hereş, K. Herz, M. Heuertz, T. Hickler, P. Hietz, P. Higuchi, A. L. Hipp, A. Hirons, M. Hock, J. A. Hogan, K. Holl, O. Honnay, D. Hornstein, E. Hou, N. Hough-Snee, K. A. Hovstad, T. Ichie, B. Igić, E. Illa, M. Isaac, M. Ishihara, L. Ivanov, L. Ivanova, C. M. Iversen, J. Izquierdo, R. B. Jackson, B. Jackson, H. Jactel, A. M. Jagodzinski, U. Jandt, S. Jansen, T. Jenkins, A. Jentsch, J. R. P. Jespersen, G. F. Jiang, J. L. Johansen, D. Johnson, E. J. Jokela, C. A. Joly, G. J. Jordan, G. S. Joseph, D. Junaedi, R. R. Junker, E. Justes, R. Kabzems, J. Kane, Z. Kaplan, T. Kattenborn, L. Kavelenova, E. Kearsley, A. Kempel, T. Kenzo, A. Kerkhoff, M. I. Khalil, N. L. Kinlock, W. D. Kissling, K. Kitajima, T. Kitzberger, R. Kjøller, T. Klein, M. Kleyer, J. Klimešová, J. Klipel, B. Kloeppel, S. Klotz, J. M. H. Knops, T. Kohyama, F. Koike, J. Kollmann, B. Komac, K. Komatsu, C. König, N. J. B. Kraft, K. Kramer, H. Kreft, I. Kühn, D. Kumarathunge, J. Kuppler, H. Kurokawa, Y. Kurosawa, S. Kuyah, J. P. Laclau, B. Lafleur, E. Lallai, E. Lamb, A. Lamprecht, D. J. Larkin, D. Laughlin, Y. Le Bagousse-Pinguet, G. le Maire, P. C. le Roux, E. le Roux, T. Lee, F. Lens, S. L. Lewis, B. Lhotsky, Y. Li, X. Li, J. W. Lichstein, M. Liebergesell, J. Y. Lim, Y. S. Lin, J. C. Linares, C. Liu, D. Liu, U. Liu, S. Livingstone, J. Llusià, M. Lohbeck, Á. López-García, G. Lopez-Gonzalez, Z. Lososová, F. Louault, B. A. Lukács, P. Lukeš, Y. Luo, M. Lussu, S. Ma, C. Maciel Rabelo Pereira, M. Mack, V. Maire, A. Mäkelä, H. Mäkinen, A. C. M. Malhado, A. Mallik, P. Manning, S. Manzoni, Z. Marchetti, L. Marchino, V. Marcilio-Silva, E. Marcon, M. Marignani, L. Markesteijn, A. Martin, C. Martínez-Garza, J. Martínez-Vilalta, T. Mašková, K. Mason, N. Mason, T. J. Massad, J. Masse, I. Mayrose, J. McCarthy, M. L. McCormack, K. McCulloh, I. R. McFadden, B. J. McGill, M. Y. McPartland, J. S. Medeiros, B. Medlyn, P. Meerts, Z. Mehrabi, P. Meir, F. P. L. Melo, M. Mencuccini, C. Meredieu, J. Messier, I. Mészáros, J. Metsaranta, S. T. Michaletz, C. Michelaki, S. Migalina, R. Milla, J. E. D. Miller, V. Minden, R. Ming, K. Mokany, A. T. Moles, A. Molnár, J. Molofsky, M. Molz, R. A. Montgomery, A. Monty, L. Moravcová, A. Moreno-Martínez, M. Moretti, A. S. Mori, S. Mori, D. Morris, J. Morrison, L. Mucina, S. Mueller, C. D. Muir, S. C. Müller, F. Munoz, I. H. Myers-Smith, R. 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