Online Training Channels by World Health Organization

Online Courses by WHO on COVID-19
On this site, you can find a set of courses. All in relation to Covid-19.
On this site, you can find a set of courses. All in relation to Covid-19.

Real Time Training in National Languages
This channel provides learning resources in national languages for health professionals, decision-makers and the public for the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
This channel provides learning resources in national languages for health professionals, decision-makers and the public for the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Real Time Training in WHO Official Languages
Real-time training during global emergencies is critical for effective preparedness and response. The COVID-19 channel provides learning resources for health professionals, decision-makers and the public for the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Real-time training during global emergencies is critical for effective preparedness and response. The COVID-19 channel provides learning resources for health professionals, decision-makers and the public for the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Other Online Resources

COVID-19 related courses by Coursera
On this site, you can find a set of courses. All in relation to Covid-19.
On this site, you can find a set of courses. All in relation to Covid-19.

Future Learn Area9lyceum
What is COVID-19 and how might the outbreak affect you? Find out more about coronavirus and explore its worldwide implications.
What is COVID-19 and how might the outbreak affect you? Find out more about coronavirus and explore its worldwide implications.

Infection control - including basic personal protective equipment by BMJ publishing
Learn how to don and doff basic personal protective equipment (PPE) as well as the principles of other important infection control measures in a hospital environment. This online learning is aligned to the UK Core Skills Training Framework / CSTF for Level 1 Infection Prevention and Control.
Learn how to don and doff basic personal protective equipment (PPE) as well as the principles of other important infection control measures in a hospital environment. This online learning is aligned to the UK Core Skills Training Framework / CSTF for Level 1 Infection Prevention and Control.

Certificate on Clinical Management of COVID-19 is a 45-minutes Coronavirus learning course designed to provide knowledge of COVID-19 in detail.
Certificate on Clinical Management of COVID-19 is a 45-minutes Coronavirus learning course designed to provide knowledge of COVID-19 in detail.

Personal protective equipment and isolation for high consequence infectious diseases by BMJ publishing
Learn about the principles of managing high consequence infectious diseases such as Ebola, MERS, SARS, from experts at the UK’s main high level isolation unit.
Learn about the principles of managing high consequence infectious diseases such as Ebola, MERS, SARS, from experts at the UK’s main high level isolation unit.